
Posted Sun 8 Dec 2019 10.43 by Colly (edited Sun 8 Dec 2019 10.44 by Colly)

Hi So about 3weeks ago I noticed a patch of skin that looked like eczema wasn’t very big to start with. Went to GP they agreed it was eczema gave me cream to treat it, within a week my entire body was covered in an itchy rash went back to GP again it’s eczema try a different steroid cream. Did not help the rash at all or the itching went back saw a different nurse Oh that’s not eczema it’s looks like psoriasis 😩 I’ve been given a coal tar cream an some antihistamine to help with the itching. Nothing is helping!! I can’t sleep because I’m constantly scratching (I know it’s not good) its literally all over me my scalp, legs an feet,chest area, back, arms an hands also few patches on my face! I don’t think there is one part of my body I don’t have this rash 😔 I can not cope with it much longer please anybody with any advice I’d be very grateful, it’s really starting to get me down. Thank you

Posted Wed 18 Dec 2019 16.32 by charmarr

Hi. Just noticed your post. You must get your GP to refer you to see a Consultant Dermatologist. I had the same symptoms you are having. A Consultant will be able to tell you what type of Psoriasis you have. They will also try you on stronger treatments. Some people on this site say they have been refused a referral by their GP.You must insist if this happens. I suffered for months before I could get an appointment but when I had my appointment,I was put on Cyclosporin. It took only a few days to start working. Good luck

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