psoriasis, self confidence and fussy eating.. help!?

Posted Thu 18 Dec 2014 02.37 by jaz1992

ive had psoriasis for about 10 years now, im 22 and have tried most treatments, uv light, steroid creams and medication. up until about a year ago it was only on my legs and scalp but now its everywhere. i used to go out a lot but now i rarely do and if i do i wont wear a dress, ill try to cover up as much as possible and end up looking and feeling ridiculous. ive researched certain foods you should and shouldnt eat to help psoriasis as im really at the end of my patience now. the only problem is im also a very fussy eater and it seems everything you shouldnt eat i love, eg. white foods and red meat, and everything you should eat to help the condition is things i wont eat, like vegetables.. ive started taking zinc supplements but im finding it hard to adjust my diet in any way- im also very skinny so i feel if i cut out a lot of what i shoudnt be eating ill loose a lot of weight as i wont be getting enough calories. can anyone help with any advice on supplements i can take or foods i can change without it being too drastic?? thanks from a very worried unconfident girl

Posted Thu 15 Jan 2015 17.33 by JediJedi

Hi, I have a pure herbal remedy that has worked for me and lots of others. It works 100% for most people. Its in pure herbal form without chemicals and you will see results within three days. Where are you located? I can send you a sample. Send email to

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