My Experience

Posted Fri 19 Dec 2014 14.29 by LMcK1990

I guess I just want to get my experience written down, now that I've read other people's experiences and know I'm not alone. I've had psoriasis for over 10 years now, I first got it when I was 14. It took 7 different doctors to diagnose me with gutterate psoriasis. Treatment started with topical creams and ointments and of course they had little or no affect on my symptoms. I stopped going to school as it was embarrassing and uncomfortable. After 2 years I got referred to light treatment and it mostly cleared up. I felt like I had got my life back. In the last 4/5 years it has slowly started to come back and I started to get light treatment in January 2013 just before my wedding. Unfortunately not all of my skin cleared this time so I used every cream possible but again no such luck. In January 2014 I was diagnosed with depression which I believe is due to dealing with my skin condition. I was referred to light treatment in April 2014 as my plaque psoriasis had got out of control again. At this stage I don't know what to do, the more I read about psoriasis the more angry I get. I was prescribed Propranolol for my anxiety but I have recently found out that this specific tablet can cause flare ups (why did my doctor not know this). I then found out that my diet is so wrong, I live on potatoes and love tomatoes, peppers and chillies (I requested to see a dietitian but was told my diet would not cause any flare ups). I'm in so much pain I spend my nights crying. I'm exhausted because I don't sleep very well and haven't for as long as I can remember. My husband and mum both are worrying about me which makes me even more upset which is not helping the flare ups. I don't want to leave my house any more as I'm embarrassed and if the pain gets too much I usually just take a sleeping tablet and lie down for a couple of hours, but I don't want to be in my house because there is a trail of skin anywhere I go and I'm sure my poor husband is disgusted with me. We have to vacuum everyday and even still our house is covered in my scales. I'm not sure how to cope with this any more. I know I sound very moan-y but at this stage I'm just so demoralised. I hope other people can relate to this and know their not alone.

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