Itching so bad I can’t sleep

Posted Sun 12 Jan 2020 05.27 by Sonny

It’s 5.30am and I can’t sleep for itching and burning. I am waiting for my first taltz injection but nothing will stop the unbearable itch. Am constantly moisturising but it doesn’t help. I haven’t slept properly for weeks. Can anyone out there help. I am seriously desperate.

Posted Sun 12 Jan 2020 11.48 by Sonia

I was awake at same time itching! Understand the desperation.. To be honest, I have found the only thing that helps relieve it is ice packs..

Posted Sun 12 Jan 2020 17.50 by Kentish27

Hi Sonny - Can I just say, and i am very new to this, psoriasis having seriously landed on my door step just 2 weeks before Christmas, I have the plaque psoriasis and the Gutatte , with both arms and shoulders covered, body front and back . Being woken up at night with a dreadful itch is certainly my biggest problem. And please, forgive me for repeating things you will already be more than aware of, but what I do is to take a Nytol 25mg. sleeper 30 minutes before going to bed, then if I wake say 4 hours later at about 3.30 or so, I run a bath, not hot water of course, just nicely warm, use the Dermol 500 lotion, then after drying of I get back into bed when the sleeper is still effective and takes over again and I will sleep until about 6.30. It won't have been 7 hours of solid sleep of course, but I will feel as if I have been to bed and can get on with the day. I do not know if this will help, for as I say I am a complete beginner, asking the question Why Me? Kentish

Posted Wed 15 Jan 2020 12.50 by Dmort

Hi there I use an antihistamine to help with the itch, it does seem to give some relief, if bad I tend to take before bed. Cetirizine is what I usually use. Occasionally piriton as this can be taken more than once daily. Cetirizine can be bought cheaply in supermarkets etc hope this might help.

Posted Wed 15 Jan 2020 17.10 by chickadee

Hi, try derma cool on your wrists or behind knees is soooo cooling don't put to much on mind or you will be freezing ..literaly! I was given this idea by derm nurses and it worked a treat for me.

Posted Sun 19 Jan 2020 19.53 by Lawrence Bird

It might be greasy but rub Vick's all over your psoriasis and the menthol and camphor will definitely soothe it and get rid of the itchiness.

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