Feel so unattractive.

Posted Wed 29 Jan 2020 13.17 by Jordang

Hello, new here. I don’t know anyone with psorasis and it doesn’t run in my family. Firstly it came to my scalp then face and then my body. Scalp and face I manage as no one can see... but my FACE! It really gets me down and lately it’s spreading around my chin mouth and nostrils! My gp is a dermatologist which helps, been a few times he firstly gave me 2 different steroid creams and recently has given me lymecycline... has anyone used this? It’s a six week course but I feel like I’m loosing the will to live as There isn’t an improvement one week in. Im just wondering if anyone takes any vitamins/ creams (have used a aveeno child’s farm diprosbase) I’ve heard vitamins help! Be nice to hear from someone!

Posted Wed 29 Jan 2020 19.59 by Jennie1973

Hey there! Just remember you are not alone with this. I’ve suffered since I was about 4 years old. Mildly at first but as I’ve got older it’s got worse. I have nasty patches on my eyebrows and around my nostrils in the face department but my shins and thighs are covered. For my face I tend to use just E45. It’s a calming moisturiser. But not everything works for everyone. I’ve tried to not stress about it. People stare but probably are too scared to say anything. Be strong. The miracle is out there. xx

Posted Wed 29 Jan 2020 21.31 by Jordang

Thank you so much. E45 I have not tried. X

Posted Thu 30 Jan 2020 22.03 by troubles

Have you tried Enstillar ! It works wonders . My Gp subscribed it for me ... for scalp and face ?

Posted Fri 31 Jan 2020 21.33 by scc

Hi Jordang, the dermatologist gave me Protopic for the hairline and face about 10 yrs ago and i used it until recently. it always worked really well and quickly but, as we all know with p, it came straight back so keeping on top of it was the key. For reference i have severe p and been through a lot of creams, pills etc. now on the injections. Not sure if this is available to you but i thought it would be worth mentioning as it always did well for me. All the best and try not to feel down, i know p can be hard at times but help and support are always therscc

Posted Sat 23 May 2020 08.30 by hainiej
Cannot go swimming any more

Take heart and use the advice in this discussion..........my advice is to look at your diet as well. Eliminate Dairy and Sugar and lean more towards an Alkaline way of life. Cut right back on Wheat and Alcohol.....follow for 6 weeks and see the difference, all the best

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