Swollen Legs

Posted Sun 2 Feb 2020 06.30 by MIchael V

Has anyone had these symptoms and is it related to Psoriasis; swollen legs, hot feet and redness up to mid calf. I need to stand on a cold floor, bare foot for a good 5 mins after walking. I have , I'm told, got hot blood, which i think is the outcome for having toxins in the body. I've put up with Plaque Psoriasis for 46 years. its not bad, but it does get me down. Any ideas?

Posted Sun 2 Feb 2020 11.40 by Greytop

Hi Michael, I certainly haven't heard the term hot blood and I say from the outset, I am no doctor However I always understood that a person blood temperature varies very little, possibly from about 36 deg to about 37.2 deg, normal temperature considered 37 deg. Obviously higher than that if one is running temperature, Certainly though we all know those people who are always cold and those that are always warm and have warm feet, I can testify to that with my wife's feet being freezing in bed when mine are pleasantly warm. But I always thought this was just they way people where, in their genes so to speak. Best of luck finding a solution, my psoriasis is not bad by any means but have found that eating lots of blueberries does help some.

Posted Sun 2 Feb 2020 17.12 by OhNo_NotAgain?

MichaelV: who has told you that you have "hot blood" ? Was it a medical diagnosis? I would go to see a doctor about inflamed and swollen legs, it COULD be related to specific medical conditions. I have never heard or read that plaque psoriasis or any psoriasis caused swollen legs.

Posted Mon 3 Feb 2020 04.20 by MIchael V

Yes, the term Hot Blood was said by a Herbalist who has studied Chinese medicine. who I was seeing for acupuncture, for my condition and a prolapsed vertebral disc I still don't know why legs are swollen, it could be poor circulation, some blockage of Lymph Glands or possibly the heart condition that I have. I am seeing the Doctor and awaiting blood test results. It's good to be able to chat on this forum! Any advice is good. How are yourself?

Posted Tue 4 Feb 2020 10.33 by OhNo_NotAgain?

I lived in SE Asia and china for 10 years, and I have heard terms like "hot blood" - but never backed up by any medical actual diagnosis (just as you have not). I would stop worrying about that and focus on getting a diagnosis and plan to address your swollen and red legs.

Posted Sat 23 May 2020 01.39 by Londoner

To the original poster: you may want to look into learning a little bit about Allergic Contact Dermatitis, as I've been definitively diagnosed with also. If that might possibly be an issue for you, you would need to speak to your GP to push for a referral to a dermatologist/allergist for patch testing for chemical allergens. I have just posted my own story about my experiences with the same on the "Treatments" discussion page of this forum. However, I would definitely be asking your GP about the leg swelling also - sounds like that might be related to a circulation issue (??). Good luck!!

Posted Sat 23 May 2020 04.58 by MIchael V

Hi Londoner, I think that I have cracked the leg problem. Twice I have had Cellulitis. Infected by a Mosquito bite in our back garden in the East Midlands. I think that coupled with poor circulation, it has damaged my Lymph Glands. I came accross a Utube video, where a demonstration of how to massage the glands upwards, right from the toes and all the way to tops of legs. This helps and I do it regularly. I have also done a 4 mile run, which again, apart from the mental calming effect, did move the blood around and is great for the cardio vascular system. I did see a Consultant Dermatologist, who, to be honest, wasn't as thoror. She was Polish, and I don't know about you, but foreign Doctors don't seem to have the same empathy as our own people? Also, the room that she had was anything but light. It is a fairly modern hospital, but could seriously do with some LEDlighting.. How are you coping. I as really affected by the negative aspect of the Medias' reporting of Covid19. They are too full of their own self importance. They think they are TV celebrities. They should have a look at the dictionary deffinition of reporting. Thanks again for your contribution, every piece of the Psoriasis jigsaw is helpful.

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