Bath oil

Posted Thu 13 Feb 2020 16.08 by Steve

What is the best bath oil to use.think a good soak will help the itching, fed up with greasy creams

Posted Thu 13 Feb 2020 18.03 by OhNo_NotAgain? (edited Fri 14 Feb 2020 07.31 by OhNo_NotAgain?)

I used Oilatum or Oilatum plus, really helped when my gutatte psoriasis was driving me mad with itching. Then I also used " Doublebase Dayleve Gel" moisturiser/emollient (I found it better for me than the other version "Doublebase Gel" )

Posted Mon 24 Feb 2020 16.16 by leejacks

I always found oilatum plus really good for my psorasis and eczema flare ups. Have recently had it withdrawn from my prescription. Both my gp and pharmacist recommended aqueous cream then epaderm as a soap and bath alternative, i am however sensitized to both. I am currently using insane amounts of aveeno instead as a moisturiser. Can anyone suggest an alternative to oilatum plus, am currently unemployed so would either be available on prescription or very cheap. Have been recommended to try a dilute bleach bath but am a bit nervous about it.

Posted Tue 25 Feb 2020 03.43 by OhNo_NotAgain? (edited Tue 25 Feb 2020 10.52 by OhNo_NotAgain?)

Unless the person who recommended bleach is very qualified to make such a recommendation (and I do not mean simply academic qualifications) I would really not try it. I recent years there have been movements promoted on social media recommending drinking sodium chlorite bleach as a treatment, even a cure, for autism and cancer, HIV and hepatitis. Very small amounts on bleach added to bath water HAS apparently been used in the past for patients with infected eczema. Some examples for reading: I would suggest reading as much as you can and getting medical advice before trying it. All the reading I have done suggests it can help with infected follicles (more common with certain eczema) but has no observed influence on psoriasis.

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