
Posted Tue 18 Feb 2020 21.39 by Jenora

Really need advice please. I’m a lifetime sufferer and have pretty much tried every form of treatment over the last 30 years. ( now 50 years old ) I have always accepted gratefully any treatment. And wholeheartedly committed to it ... however. It turns out that the best drugs skin wise cause significant hair loss ... Subject to next set of bloods....... . I could be starting acetretin. Any advice / experiences you’d care to share ?? I think this is my last option now .. have honestly tried pretty much everything.. the last was humira. ( liver issues with this ) I’ve suffered hair loss with most drugs ... so. Acetretin ?? Hair loss is a side effect right ?? Do I just buy a wig ??? I have zero body confidence and no relationships for years due to the severity of my psoriasis.. desperate for advice. Please. Jennifer.

Posted Tue 18 Feb 2020 22.44 by hainiej
Cannot go swimming any more

Hi Jenifer, I have just started a course of Acetetrin. I have had a course of this treatment a year ago along with a gluten free diet and my psoriasis cleared, no side effects or hair loss. I then stopped both and it returned so my dermatologist prescribed it again, 26mg, hope that gives you some hope, alas everyone is different when it comes to this dresses but keep the chin up and don’t lose hope.. I will let you know how I get on. Jim

Posted Mon 24 Feb 2020 15.17 by Ron

I was put on Acetretin and it didn't help at all, in fact it got worse (through no fault of the drug I'll hasten to add). I'm now moving onto biological treatment as over 75% of my body is affected but I think they have to try other treatments in order.

Posted Mon 24 Feb 2020 18.51 by hainiej
Cannot go swimming any more

Best of luck Ron

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