Please excuse my anxiety but I’m finding I’m increasingly worried about being on biological treatment at a time when corona virus is spreading the way it is. I’m fairly new to biologics, just a few months and not quite sure what to expect re compromised immune system. I realise would be at risk also with seasonal flu but having vaccine there seems less of a worry. Is it just me? Or anyone else worried. Thanks in advance.
Posted Thu 27 Feb 2020 11.31 by Lasttime (edited Thu 27 Feb 2020 11.32 by Lasttime)
Been on biologics for 8 years never had flu jab. Noticed i got flu and colds more than pre biologics. Never had any real problems last couple of years never really had any problems.
Then at the end of last year i got a serious chest infection never had anything before
had real issues and only just getting over it.
Think a lot will depend on if you are older more at risk. Keep a eye on local situation
A lot to think about if it becomes wide spread it will be time to decide
PS take a look at the blueberry thread
Posted Thu 27 Feb 2020 13.48 by Dmort
Thank you for your reply. It’s the unknown which is quite a worry, generally I do keep well other than the psoriatic arthritis and psoriasis. Blood done recently too and all seems fine. I’m back at rheumatology soon so I’ll ask when I’m there. Hope your recovery going well.
Posted Tue 3 Mar 2020 13.16 by Chelley (edited Tue 3 Mar 2020 13.24 by Chelley )
My daughter is on cyclosporin and my husband is on humira and I share your concerns. I hope we get some clear guidance and advice soon.
Just to add, my daughter has had several nasty viruses since starting Cyclosporin and gets very poorly with them.
Posted Tue 3 Mar 2020 13.54 by Dmort
Hi Chelley
It’s a big concern, I am very new to these drugs and really worried as to what effect something like this virus would have. I’m really considering stopping but will definitely seek advice at next appointment, maybe I’m overreacting?
Posted Tue 3 Mar 2020 16.04 by Chelley
Completely understand Dmort. I shared my worries on a Psoriasis fb forum and it received hugely varying responses. Some were coming off their meds, others didn't seem worried. Some had been advised to only come off meds if any symptoms developed. My daughter has a derm appointment toward the end of the month so will be good to talk about it there. She's 20 so not a child and has to make her own decisions but atm it's hard to know what to do for the best.
Posted Tue 3 Mar 2020 16.59 by Dmort
I’ll maybe take a look at some other forums Best wishes to your family Chelley.
Posted Wed 4 Mar 2020 10.38 by Daniel
Probably a silly question, but does psoriasis make you immunocompromsied given it is an autoimmune disorder, or is this down to treatment type only?
Posted Wed 4 Mar 2020 12.42 by Dmort
I’m not sure about this, I would tend to think it’s the treatments, but others will say that in any autoimmune disease you are susceptible due to the way our immunise systems work I certainly never ever gave it a thought until I started these treatments.
Posted Sun 8 Mar 2020 16.44 by Sizzy Psoriasis 40 years, most treatments tried over this time, currently on biologics (stelara) as nothing else work.
Hi Dmort
Our immune systems are a complex thing. We have 'dodgy' immune systems by just having psoriasis or psoriatic arthritis but I don't really think the experts really know what that means. I've read that we do have greater risk of cardiovascular issues and fatty liver along with anxiety and depression though.
Whether this means we are more likely to get Ill is also unknown. Factor in biologics and i suppose it could complicate things further. However, most biologics now target specific t cells so I'm wondering if that perhaps doesn't put biologic users at much greater risk of some illnesses? I think ask at your next appointment but do not expect a straight answer. They can only base a reply on data gathered and would rarely give a personal opinion. Anxiety is a normal part of have autoimmune issues, but we are all different and our bodies all react differently x
Posted Sun 8 Mar 2020 19.54 by Dmort
Hi sizzy
Thanks for reply. I have been reading up on biologics, not sure if I’m any the wiser! As you say our immune systems are not straight forward. I’ve an appointment coming up soon so will definitely be asking. Certainly anxiety plays a big part for me!
Posted Sun 8 Mar 2020 21.41 by Chelley (edited Sun 8 Mar 2020 21.42 by Chelley )
An update, after doing research my husband, an office based police officer, has asked if he can work from home due to being at increased risk of complications from Covid 19 if he was unlucky enough to catch it, due to being on humira. He spoke to 111 and they said his concerns were legitimate and he should speak to his GP and occupational health and see if he can work from home. I'll keep you posted about what his gp and occ health say. I'm now wondering if my daughter, a college student on cyclosporin, should do the same.
Hi... I was going to ask the same question! I am on Methotrexate and Imraldi ( Humira ) and just wondered what the guidelines are for those of us with suppressed immune systems re the coronavirus.
Posted Mon 9 Mar 2020 18.54 by Dmort
Hi Susie22. It might be best to speak to your nurse/rheumatology, I personally am really worried and considering stopping for now, however I will see rheumatology first.
I'm not worried about talking my meds for PsA at all, life is not great without them. I have had first hand experience of that over the last couple of months sadly.
It takes weeks/months some times for these drugs to have an effect (depending on the individual), there's no way i'm stopping mine.
Posted Sat 14 Mar 2020 11.12 by Sizzy Psoriasis 40 years, most treatments tried over this time, currently on biologics (stelara) as nothing else work.
Hi all. Might be worth keeping an eye on the IPC (international Psoriasis Council) website x
Hi I’m sure like everyone one else this is such a worrying time. My son aged 13 takes humira injections every other week at 40mg, he catches cold with ease since taking this. Only I’m so worried and confused as to whether I should be sending him to school or not with this virus spreading so rapidly. My consultant advised to carry on following government advice. And his school said the same. Only I don’t think the government have gave any thought to people with lower or no immune systems. And will any future advice be to little too late for some. Anybody else in this position?? Would you send your child to a school??
1Posted Sat 14 Mar 2020 20.08 by Sizzy Psoriasis 40 years, most treatments tried over this time, currently on biologics (stelara) as nothing else work.
Hi Emma.
It's such a tough decision. My child does not have any meds but I still worry. Would the school consider isolation (I know not nice for him) or perhaps accept your fears and let him study from home. Its bleak times and the added worry will cause anxiety. I'd be very surprised if schools were open for much longer anyway. I work in London and my firm has split the workforce into two. Half will from home one week, then in office the following week, the other half alternate. Their thinking is less risk I suppose.
On another note. I used to delay my humira shot at any hint of infection when I was on it, and it still worked. Longest delay was 9 weeks. Having come off it last may, my skin was still clear for about 5 months. Flared now though. I'm not suggesting you follow that though.
Thoughts are with you x
Hi Emma
It’s a real worry. I understand closing schools is a big undertaking but I can’t see how they can put it off much longer. If your son can do his work at home I would go for this option. I’m planning to keep my kids of now.
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