Sat by myself!!!

Posted Tue 23 Dec 2014 04.08 by 47psoyrs
I never wear dresses. It's jeans or slacks to church & every where else. I don't mind cause it's more comfortable & I've never been a "fancy

My one comment would be this: "you can't expect people w/o psoriasis to understand what it is. You've got to admit it does look like a contaminating disease. I use this as my chance to tell people about psoriasis. "it's not catching, it's a blood disease that manifests itself in the form of scales because the skin grows 8 times faster then yours. There's no cure for it yet but there are medications that help the itching. Thanks for listening."

Posted Thu 11 Feb 2016 05.35 by Lukefinch18
I had psoriasis really really bad when I was younger and to be honest I used all the creams(against my will) and in my opinion made it worse

I'm 18 now and when I was younger I used to have it really bad all over my body and when I was at school we were forced to go swimming so you can only imagine what that was like but the less I noticed my psoriasis the better it got, but now I just embrace it, my dad has it and now I do so its part of who I am now.

Posted Fri 26 Feb 2016 19.46 by KennyKen
Psoriasis on face

I've had psoriasis on my face since November 2015 so quite recent and I'm 27. It seems to flare up every week or two and it's hard to concentrate, since it attacks all of my nose/upper lip and surround area.. so facial expression is painful and hard to eat. I'll have one day or two each month when it's finally all healed over time, then my body decides to bring the psoriasis back ! I was extremely paranoid about it at first but have learned over the few months to accept it might not go away for a long time, if ever at all. It's hard but it helps to try and forget about and keep yourself active and focused. I've been using a lot of Fucibet on my face and it has helped a bit.

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