I've just been diagnosed with Palmoplantar Psoriasis

Posted Wed 11 Mar 2020 13.09 by Miranda

Hello! I have recently been diagnosed with PPP following 6 painful months of trying every cream, lotion and ointment known to man! The extreme dryness, cracks and now deep lacerations have now appeared on my feet as well as my hands and I am now finding every day activities so difficult. I am an otherwise healthy 50 year old. I wear gloves nearly all the time, soak in Dead Sea Salts, smother my hands with Epaderm, Cetraben, Eucerin and anything else I can lay my hands on! I am also in the first week of starting an 8 week course of PUVA. I am keen for any advice on what else I can do or take?

Posted Tue 17 Mar 2020 08.53 by dansee

Hello! I had been suffering this for last couple of years. I'm finally on the mend. What I found triggered it for me was being on humira. It took months to being diagnosed and that was only after I had managed to gain an appointment at Guy's hospital in london. I ended up changing medication to Stelera and it's pretty much cleared everything up now. It was the worse feeling having that happen and I know your pain with the constant dead sea salts and trying any lotion under the sun! Hold on in there.

Posted Tue 17 Mar 2020 09.20 by Miranda

Thank you so much for your kind words and the medication advice. I have now been to see a Naturopath who is going to look into CBD lotion and also food intolerance testing. I wonder what that will flag up? Thank you so much for your reassuring reply.

Posted Tue 17 Mar 2020 09.30 by dansee

No problem! for me it was just using any lotions that eased the symptons. It just took me a long while for the humira to wear off. But I tried everything from changing food habits etc till I found what worked for me. You'll get to a good place eventually, good luck :)

Posted Thu 19 Mar 2020 21.13 by Richysorefoot

Hi guys, PPP on the souls of my feet. Like walking on glass sometimes. I have found that wrapping my feet in cling film over night, having put a mixture of white parafin, steroid cream on first. During the day I use a hemp based moisturiser. I've also soaked my feet in salted water, and potassium permangamate. However for me plain warm water is good. What I will say about steroid creams is if you use too much it can also inflame the areas. A little bit is just enough.

Posted Wed 1 Apr 2020 21.27 by Shashi

Two years ago, I also suffered for about six months before finally starting ciclosporin. It worked very well and very quickly but it is allowed for only one year. I came off it in December and it has been torture ever since. I started methotrexate in mid February but I am still waiting, six weeks on, for it to kick in. It was mainly my feet which were/are red, sore, cracking easily and just constantly terribly uncomfortable or painful. But now it has spreads to my hands so even typing this is uncomfortable. My fingertips feel like I have burned them. Really, really depressing... Anyway, I am just hoping that methotrexate finally kicks in. Lotions like Hydromol help briefly. Like someone else said, I do find wrapping my feet in cling film with Hydromol on does make them feel better so I can walk my dog and do other stuff before it all becomes too much by the afternoon. Good luck everyone! And stay safe ...

Posted Fri 10 Apr 2020 23.24 by Alex N

I also developed this horrible condition a couple of years ago, and after trying all the creams and a course of UVB treatment without any success, my dermatologist put me on Acitretin, which worked wonders for me. It cleared the psoriasis up in about a month, though not without side effects. I very gradually reduced the dose and then stopped taking it altogether after 10 months. So far, so good. It’s not an immunosuppressant, which is an advantage, but isn’t suitable for women of child-bearing age. Good luck!

Posted Sat 11 Apr 2020 20.09 by Karen Ruth

I have actually had this condition on and off for over 30 years, following the birth of my first child. I initially had it on both hands but over the years it has mostly been on my feet. Currently it is my right hand, my right foot with a very small amount on my left foot. It has taken years to get a proper diagnosis, having seen various healthcare professionals both privately and NHS. Finally got a diagnosis on 7th February 2020 and was due to start PUVA on 18th March but COVID-19 put a stop to that. So, have tried anything and everything over the years but am currently using either Vaseline or Epaderm as and when required. Overnight I am using Sudocrem and wrapping in clingfilm. When my feet are itching like crazy I will soak in luke warm water which seems to work. The combination of Vaseline, soaking, and Sudocrem seems to be working to some extent. I am currently getting at least 6 hours sleep a night, a lot of the time 8 hours. Prior to Sudocrem and clingfilm overnight I could quite often have maximum 4 hours sleep, sometimes no sleep at all. I wish I understood what causes the blisters to form which causes the itching. Anyone any clues please. Please don't be disheartened by my experience. The problem I have had is that I never really got a proper diagnosis until very recently. I sort of lost heart pursuing anything through dermatologists so have just managed it myself. It's only in the last year or so that It's become unbearable to the point where I've had to do something about it and was referred to a dermatologist. Having found this website I am now trying Exorex so will see what that does. I've tried a couple of different steroid creams/ointments but with little or no success, certainly not for any prolonged period of time. Hope this helps and gives other options to try. Good luck.

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