I have a small patch of psoriasis on my face ( self- diagnosis but nurse at GP agreed with me). My right foot has developed a high arch with the result a lot of weight is placed on the ball of my foot ( I have seen endless specialist with no conclusive result why this has happened) but the ball of my foot is permanently swollen. Every so often I notice there’s a lot more dead-looking skin on the ball of my foot which then starts falling off in large flakes , without any new skin growing underneath and eventually I am left with an open sore. Swear, swear! It’s very painful. Often it becomes infected so I go to the GP and have antibiotics and dressings are applied. After a couple of weeks the skin starts growing over and eventually I can leave off the dressings .... until the next time. This last time I tried bathing my foot in tepid water and it was agony. Then I tried leaving my foot exposed to the air and again it was like holding it against a hot iron. However after that it has started healing. Is this psoriasis or something else? I don’t want to bother the GP right now.
Posted Thu 19 Mar 2020 14.57 by Alex N
I'm not sure. I had very severe plantar palmar psoriasis (hands and feet), but my symptoms were nasty splits in the soles of my feet (and fingers) and eventually a thick build up of skin (over a period of time). Excruciating to put any weight on my feet at all. Doesn't sound like what you have, but I suppose there can be a multitude of different symptoms. You'd probably have to see a dermatologist for an expert opinion on what it is.
Posted Fri 20 Mar 2020 12.15 by Footsie 100
Thanks, Alex N for the suggestion of seeing a dermatologist which sounds better than a chiropodist. Have realised I am getting something similar under my left heel. That started as a blister when I had to sleep on my back for 6 weeks after a hip replacement . The blister skin has been replaced with very thick skin which also flakes off. I hope you have something to ease your symptoms.
Posted Mon 23 Mar 2020 11.41 by mac63
Hi Alex N , I too have plantar facilitis on soles of both feet - sometimes excrutiating , like walking on glass ?
Exercising gives no relief .
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