
Posted Wed 1 Apr 2020 22.10 by Anndo

I have genital psoriasis. Have tried many treatments without success. Have just received new treatment Apremilast, the list of very common side effects more than 1 in ten it says on the information booklet is quite frightening and includes vomiting, pains in abdomen,depression to name but a few. As I have ovarian cancer which is stable at present I am afraid of taking anything that might effect it. I wondered if there is anyone out there who has experience of this medication. Sorry this is so long. Thanks for reading it.

Posted Thu 2 Apr 2020 10.04 by Avesty

Hi Anndo. I have just started on Apremilast, today is my 10th day. So far I have had a few side effects, mainly stomach cramps, however these normally kick in about an hour after taking the tablet and subside about an hour later. All in all I've found the side effects easy to tolerate when compared to other treatments I have taken in the past. When you start there is 'treatment initiation pack' which starts you off on a low dose and increases over the first week, which definitely helps you to get used to it. I haven't noticed any changes in my mood, (except for getting cabin fever from being at home so much!).

Posted Sun 19 Apr 2020 21.15 by Bethkin

Hi there... I am on this too and am currently on week 5 now.... I have experienced so many side effects and still do have a lot of them. Sickness and nausea is the worse and the stomach cramps! I’ve also been getting tremors really bad to a point that my hands shake constantly! Has anyone else experienced this? On the plus side me psoriasis has cleared to nothing which is amazing!!

Posted Mon 18 Jan 2021 13.39 by Jenniferm

I have been on Apremilast for almost a year. The side effects were not pleasant at first but I managed. I found that drinking lots of water after taking my dose, helped. A few months in, I was getting a nervous feeling and felt very on edge and shaky throughout my body. I reduced the dose and that helped. My psoriasis did creep back however. I get lots of aches and pains and I’m sure these are new but am continuing to take them as my psoriasis before was so severe.

Posted Tue 9 Feb 2021 12.02 by Su9876

I started Apremilast 2 weeks ago. At first, the side effects were bad - diarrhoea, cramping pains and lots of gas, plus headaches. But they've gone now. I'm still a bit "loose" but I can manage just fine. It's already easing my symptoms so I'm glad I stuck with it

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