Coal tar and Dovobet

Posted Wed 8 Apr 2020 20.37 by Rach98

Hii, I've been using coal tar treatment and Dovobet for the past week which has improved my skin so much!! Just wondering how long others have used the coal tar for and if you stopped using it gradually or just continue to use it? Thanks!

Posted Thu 9 Apr 2020 12.06 by OhNo_NotAgain?

I would recommend to gradually tail the use of the Dovobet, rather than stopping abruptly. My own doctor agreed with me on this approach. Some users have found doing that can reduce the "steroid rebound" often experienced when simply using it for 4 weeks and then stopping overnight. It would be a good idea to discuss this with your doctor. I never had a particular problem with stopping use of coal tar, However, I did reduce it gradually. At first I was using it 4-5 times a day, in 1980 when I was 22 years old. After a few months as my psoriasis was declining I reduced to twice a day, morning and evening, then once a day. Essentially I was reacting to the severity, itching and bleeding, of my plaques.

Posted Thu 9 Apr 2020 16.19 by Steview
A P sufferer for over 30 years, through good and bad times.

I agree continuous use of dovobet is not recommended. It can have long negative affects and can severely thin the skin making the skin weaker and more susceptable to injury and P. I don't know which coal tar you refer to I.e a bath treatment or cream/ointment. Personally I don't think the coal tar will do you extended harp unlike dovobet. It is a hard one with dovobet as it proved to work but come off it you may have a flare unfortunately. Your gp or derm should advise, I believe Instilar is becoming more popular prescribed spray at the moment. It didn't work for me but is supposed to be very good. Also a good moisturiser twice a day may also be of benefit. Good luck.

Posted Fri 10 Apr 2020 16.51 by Sizzy
Psoriasis 40 years, most treatments tried over this time, currently on biologics (stelara) as nothing else work.

Hi. I've been using enstilar for a couple of months on and off and I found, like with many treatments, as soon as I slow down use to give my skin a rest, I flare. Also, it should only really be used on bigger patches so that it does not get on 'good' skin. Bit hard for me as am covered in hundreds of small patches! I agree re coaster tar, you can use it all the time as no baddies in it.

Posted Fri 10 Apr 2020 17.58 by OhNo_NotAgain?

Enstilar has the same active ingredients as Dovobet, but is a foam consistency instead of a thick greasy ointment. Around 18 months ago I had only heard about it being prescribed for use in the scalp. It was more suited to use on a scalp with a thick head of hair than dovobet. Judging from some of the posts on these forums, it does sem to be prescribed more readily now for general use. I have had plaque psoriasis since 1980, but 2 years ago I suddenly came out in guttate psoriasis all over my trunk. I had a couple of hundred small patches. I did not use dovobet or any steroid on them, as it was almost impossible to treat only the psoriasis and keep the steroid off the unaffected skin. I was able to keep it under some degree of control using coal-tar based lotions.

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