I have psoriasis one my feet and hands (scalp and body too but my feet and hands are the biggest issue!)
I am a trainee dental nurse and due to a huge flare up of my psoriasis on the bottom of my foot I have been signed off work since the last week of January as I can’t weight bare properly so work is impossible at the moment...and I don’t know when I will be fit enough to return.
I was supposed to start a new medication after my second try of PUVA failed but due to COVID that isn’t happening for 3-6 months.. I cried a lot after that phone call!
I’m looking to see what jobs/careers people have who also suffer with psoriasis not only on the hands and feet but in general too, in the hope this could maybe give me some confidence that I will be able to return to a job where I am on my feet for most of the day.. because I don’t know if I need to be looking for a job where I don’t have to be as active.. if that makes sense?
Thank you in advance
I developed severe palmar plantar psoriasis for the first time just over a year ago at the age of 63. It was completely disabling for a few months until
I got referred to a dermatologist. After trying dozens of creams and a course of UVB treatment, none of which helped at all, I was eventually put on Acitretin - a wonder drug for me! An aggressive medication and not without side effects, but it pretty much cleared my hands and feet within a month, and then I gradually reduced the dose and stopped taking it altogether 10 months later, a couple of months ago. So far so good! It doesn’t work for everyone, and isn’t suitable for women of child-bearing age. An advantage during this Covid-19 outbreak is that it isn’t an immunosuppressant, unlike many of the other drugs. Hopefully you will eventually get whatever medication you are going to try next and it will work for you. Good luck!
Posted Tue 21 Apr 2020 19.53 by Bethanylouise0x
Thank you for your reply, I have had it for about 8 years but it started as just normal plaque psoriasis then went to my hands and feet with the blisters 4 years ago.
They have mentioned Alitretinoin as the next medication they want me to try (have tried the creams, PUVA and ciclisporin with no help) so once COVID blows over I’m hoping that will help..
Thanks again
Posted Thu 5 Nov 2020 18.38 by Jane
Hi Bethany I am a swim teacher with psoriasis, l was told by my doctor to give my job up when I first got this horrible skin condition. l used to work 7 days a week for 3.5 hours a day in the water, l started with this in 2010 I have had to cut down to 5 days due to my skin kicking of quite bad at times. I have had to get my self into a good routine of looking after my skin well, I use all of the following Hydramol ointment, Exorex & there is one other mouse that I use I have good control over of my skin condition now and know the signs when I need to do more. my feet are very bad at times and are cracked between my toes which is very sore but if I use the items above it helps a lot to the point that it completely goes. If you would like me to post my routine just let me know! please don't feel alone there are others like you out there who are going though the same thing. Jane
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