Redness after flareup doesn't go away

Posted Tue 21 Apr 2020 21.36 by tryingtomanage (edited Tue 21 Apr 2020 21.38 by tryingtomanage)

Hello. I am new here and hope you can excuse my english. I have psoriasis since March 2019. It started very little, and got everywhere on my body in August. Even inside of my nose and ears. My doctor started me on metho. and i used for 3 months until my liver tests were 3 times than the normal. I was cleared %60 but i had to stop using it. My chest and arm was still covered so i used topical treatments to get rid of the scalps. It has been 6 months now that i have no scalps on my body. The pso. that got cleared with the metho. has left no marks but the pso. i used topical treatments on is still light red/pink. It has been 6 months and they are still the same and i am going insane... I just want to wear my t-shirts again and feel like that i got better. I don't have scabs all over my body anymore but i still feel like i do. My questions are; What am i experiencing right now? What causes this, what these spots called? What can i do to treat them? I tried quitting smoking, bunch of cortisone creams. Nothing helped, if not made them worse. Hope you can help and i hope you all get better. Note: If anyone wondering what topical treatment i used to get rid of scabs; Mometazon furoat. I am still using it time to time.

Posted Wed 22 Apr 2020 05.49 by horace77

why have you not seen a dermatologist and had phototherapy?

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