I read the internet and this website and few people seem to discuss phototherapy or dermatologists. It seems to me that many people including me, rely on GPs who simply are not expert enough and are part of a secret society called the NHS. My GP NEVER told me what I had! I had to wait until a passing hospital junior Doctor said it was Psoriasis caused by Bisoptolol pills. Thank God I am off Bisoprolol now (do NOT take yourself off these as it is dangerous to do it without your cardiologists advice) and some of my Psoriasis is fading..
I moved house and GP and my new GP (in lock down) from photos attached to an e mail says it is Eczema; it cannot be both so who is right? The topical treatment (creams etc) seems to be the same so I am not bothered. I now take a Dead sea salt (20kg for £20 Amazon) bath every morning which reduces the itching of most of the day.
If I were not in lock down I would pay to see a Dermatologist and ask for phototherapy; it seems to be the answer. Creams have a limited response; pills mess up ones body and "they" are guessing. A dermatologist managed phototherapy is surely the answer. I believe every GP surgery should have a dermatologist and a lamp? Why not there seem to be hundreds of Dermatologists?
Posted Wed 22 Apr 2020 07.01 by mike andrews
When you go to your doctor you have to know more than him/her. There is lots of info on line
I don’t think this is an appropriate time to knock the NHS.
1Posted Wed 22 Apr 2020 08.02 by Steview A P sufferer for over 30 years, through good and bad times.
Sorry to hear your problems. It sounds like you are in early stages of your diagnosis. You really need to get a referral to a dermatologist which unfortunately is going to be difficult at present.
As for the phototherapy units. The uvb units as in hospitals are expensive units and have to be supervised by a health professional. These are not like sunbeds and literally you start off having treatment lasting seconds. Time builds up the more sessions you have.
I don't think it is feasible for all GP surgeries to have units plus someone to supervise and monitor your progress.
Good luck
Posted Wed 22 Apr 2020 09.40 by horace77
I am an ex patient for patient safety champion and the government dismissed all us volunteers when David Cameron got in so I do not think anyone is in the position of judging the NHS outside of the NHS better than the 22 of us. In either Holland or Denmark (cannot remember which one) they have 200 of us. Phototherapy hand held units cost about £150 and IF supervised could do a lot of good. I would donate such a machine if my GP had the expertise to use it. We are so old fashioned in this country we allow GPs to be under educated. We should find a way to get the health service we need not the one the government thinks it can afford.
Posted Wed 22 Apr 2020 11.54 by Steview A P sufferer for over 30 years, through good and bad times.
I have read on here that some peeps have purchased their own units. Maybe that is a way to go with careful use.
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