Psoriasis on the feet

Posted Wed 22 Apr 2020 21.06 by Donna Clegg

Having taken months of investigations to be diagnosed my feet are very sore, skin dry thickened and cracked and peeling. I had started a course of puva treatment which had started to have a positive effe effect but only managed 3 weeks when covid struck. I am a midwife and in contact with people regularly but is this condition classed as an autoimmune condition that I need to be self isolating. Firstly does anyone know of anything I can do while I wait for my puva to restart and secondly do I need to inform occupational health of my condition. TIA x

Posted Fri 24 Apr 2020 02.46 by hope healer-j
hello to everyone,keep your hope, and keep strong,never give up.i started to have psoriasis slowly but surely in my young twentys,which then

hi donna,the best thing you can do for your feet is,carefully use a pomme stone with handle,after washing feet,then moiturise your feet,each day,slowly but surely you wont have build up of hard skin,cracks ect.this is time consuming,but worth it,just keep it up,and as time passes your feet will be soft and moist.i use zeroveen cream,which you could try,its a great miosturiser for your whole body,for people with psoriasis.if your on immunesupressent medication ,it is classed as autoimmune condition, and you should self-isolate,ask your Gp and get them to refer you to a meantime keep strong,and dont let psoriasis beat you.its worth contacting occupational health,they have ways of helping you cope. yours

Posted Fri 24 Apr 2020 23.30 by Bethanylouise0x (edited Fri 24 Apr 2020 23.30 by Bethanylouise0x)

I know your pain! I have psoriasis on my feet and hands, else where too but my foot is really bad at the moment. Have been signed off since the last week of January, as Im just hobbling about. I’m a trainee dental nurse so I’m on my feet most of the day. , which with this flare up is impossible. Like you I also have tried all creams etc, PUVA, ciclisporin but nothing has helped.. I’m waiting to try a new drug but can’t start it until COVID passes. I have read online that taking vitamins supposedly helps.. so I have started taking vitamin B6, B12 and folic acid in the hope they help and I can get back to normal. I also found a ‘revolutionary’ cream set on a website called skin shop - the shampoo seems to be good but haven’t seen much of a change with the wash and creams yet, but worth a try at this point! Thinking of you Bethany xx

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