My psoriasis is mainly on lower leg

Posted Wed 28 Jan 2015 10.43 by Goldie
Am a sufferer, seeking help from dermatologist at the moment, with little improvement. Slight depression due to pain and embarrassment beca

I have only suffered psoriasis since December 2009, when I was 60. There is no family history, other than my brother (5 years older) broke out at exactly the same time. When I catch a virus (which isn't often) the guttate psoriasis breaks out over my body, but for the rest of the time it is focussed on my lower legs, which causes huge embarrassment, and I cannot wear skirts or shorts (on holiday). 6 months ago, the lesions joined up on the shins and created large very red and sore patches. I am seeing a dermatologist and have been put on drug therapy (Acetetrin) which began to help, but then I developed sore patches on the outer and inner calf and round the ankles. The GP and dermatologist seem mystified as to why it is so severe on the lower legs only. I just wondered if anyone else has experienced this, and if so, how did they deal with it? The soreness is keeping me awake at nights and beginning to cause some depression.

Posted Wed 2 Dec 2015 20.44 by Ngreen
I have had Guttate & Plaque Psoriasis for decades

Hi Goldie, I have had psoriasis since I was about 4. It actually started as guttate psoriasis after a bout of chicken pox but not really known about until I was 20 that was what it was. I did not develop plaque psoriasis until I was 6 and it started as a round scaly dot on the side of my leg. It grew larger and larger, and more scaly. It went misdiagnosed for years as a fungus, as it looked a lot like ringworm. At the time, nobody thought of psoriasis because it was on the side of the leg/calf and Drs. only thought of psoriasis as on the elbows and occasional knee. I started to get a similar patch on the other leg in the same exact spot. I didn't wear skirts or dresses for most of my young/teenage life. It started to appear as a small patch on my arm that once again grew like the other 2 patches on my leg. I had a severe strep throat as a teenager and after that I started to develop guttate psoriasis all over my body which is what made me realize that I had this much earlier than 6. The guttate psoriasis has never gone away, especially on my arms, but is different on my legs. The two large plaques that were on my legs for close to 20 years have completely disappeared with no scaring or sign of them, but I will get small plaques that will appear and then disappear, as well as the overall patchy guttate that dots most of my legs & thighs with large plaques on my knees, which I do experience joint pain from. The guttate psoriasis on my arms gives me the most pain, as it will crack & bleed, or welt & burn. The psoriasis on my legs does not give me as much problems. I have less of a problem when my legs are kept smooth and hair free. I also use dead sea scrub with paraffin. I then apply body butter directly after and that keeps the plaques from developing. I also found out that I had a Vitamin D deficiency which is common in psoriasis patients. I started taking a recommended dosage prescribed by the Dr. and that has greatly reduced the plaques on my legs (more so than my arms). I hope this helps! I have not met a lot of other people that have it develop so aggressively as well on their leg (which is why mine went misdiagnosed for so long!) The fact that my guttate psoriasis was so persistent all over my body, with only plaques on my legs stumped even the dermatologist who did not give an official answer until I had a skin biopsy.

Posted Mon 15 Feb 2016 18.03 by jeremypaul
unsightly plaque psoriasis mainly on my legs from knee to toes and on my arms from elbow to wrist

Hello Goldie My psoriasis started about 20 years ago when I was about 40 and initially was mainly confined to the backs of my hands and my elbows. The last year or so it has broken out badly on my lower legs and I feel self-conscious on the beach or when swimming. Coal tar type treatment and Dithranol make it worse and Dovabet just seems to hold it at bay. The best treatment is the sun so I do try to get a few days in Spain or The Canaries in the winter. I have been reading about a new drug being tested -Ixekizumab - but that may not be available for years. I am nervous about taking Aceterin but if it gets any worse I may ask the doctor about it. About 10 years ago I had a course of PUVA and that did help but it involved travelling across town daily for 2 weeks so was quite a commitment, but I would consider it if I run out of options. One tip - if the itching/soreness gets really bad try applying an ice pack; it worked for me.

Posted Sun 12 Nov 2017 16.20 by Masilamea

I have psoriasis which shows up the worst 0n my shins. I have used prescribed steroids and many other creams to help calm the redness, but nothing has worked well. I thought I would give dermalmd psoriasis serum a try, although I was skeptical. I have applied it once a day for over a month and only used half a bottle. I was amazed that after as little as two weeks the scaley blotches on my shins were barely visible. I know it won't cure my psoriasis, but it makes it more manageable.

Posted Wed 15 Nov 2017 05.11 by Scotty

I have had Guttate Psoriasis for about two months it is mainly on my legs and thighs some on my back as well nothing seems to be helping I think it may have developed into plaque Psoriasis as the patches are beginning to join together. I am hoping to see a dermatologist soon to confirm what I have and hopefully get some treatment. This has been a shock to me as it just appeared almost overnight although I did have severe pains in my legs for awhile and inching. The tips of my fingers even hurt at times I do hope I can get some treatment to clear this up soon.

Posted Sat 30 Jun 2018 16.41 by LisaPizza - 55 from California

I was just diagnosed this year at age 49, and it's only on my legs. It was initially a single small patch on my left outer calf. Because it was that single spot, the dermatologist didn't think it was psoriasis, although it looked typical. So I had a biopsy, and a few weeks later I also developed a row of small plaques up the back of my thigh. So it's been declared psoriasis now, but it's still only on one side. Unless we count three very small spots on my right calf, unsure about those. I did have an aunt with P but that's all as far as I know. I'll be very happy if it stays so limited!

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