MooGoo Creams

Posted Wed 14 Mar 2012 14.18 by ciara_long
all over my scalp,and patches on arms, legs and back

Lately I came across a range of products in a chemist in town called Moogoo. They do different body creams and shampoos. I have psorisasis on my scalp, arms, legs and back. I started using their scalp cream and shampoo, and also their udder cream and psorisas and excema cream. Although it is not a cure, my scalp is not nearly as flakey as it was and from using the scalp cream, behind my ears and along me hair line are much better also. It body creams also take the redness out of the patches on my body. These creams arent avaliable in all chemists but you can order on line, : . Its really worth a try and their natural too so you can't go wrong!

Posted Thu 5 Mar 2015 21.09 by Lizzie
I have had Psoriasis for 42 years sometimes it clear other times not - its hard to live with and i have used all topical medication

I use this all the time and find it soothing and really helps but it is not a cure. I would really recommend it after trying so many others.

Posted Sat 8 Aug 2015 15.39 by Margo19

Hi, try one of those natural herbs creams - they are very effective and no side effects or

Posted Sun 23 Aug 2015 07.55 by maudacious1
From birth.

I joined this forum specifically to post about Moo Goo and my experience. I have psoriasis and have had it since birth. My dad has it too- thanks Dad. Over the years it has never been too bad- but worse in times of stress. Had a very livid red patch in my cleavage when i was at law school and stressed. Had it occasionally on my eyelids and in hairline, but nothing major. A few years ago I had psoriatic arthritis in my big toe and feet- initially dismissed as gout but it wasn't! I take high strength cod liver oil for that and feel great. BUT, at the start of the summer this year, almost overnight, I developed severe psoriasis all over my body. Only my face was spared. I tried steroid creams although I don't agree with them. This has limited effect on my arms and no effect anywhere else. I eat pretty healthy most of the time but I upped my intake of Omega oils- more fish, avocado, flax seeds etc, I cut out sugar and alcohol- none of this had an efffect. It pretty much debilitated me this summer. I have worn a skirt ONCE- I have had to cover my arms and legs up in jeans and long sleeves all summer and it has been depressing. I believe that this was triggered by stress- we moved house and had a lot of issues in the run up to it- legal issues with estate agents and it has been incredibly stressful. My lovely husband went to our local Health food shop in Witney and bought me Moo Goo irritable skin balm. After a few days the psoriasis started to fade and dry up. My skin feels good and it smells delicious too. It hasn't cured it totally, but it has faded and improved it to the point where I am typing this wearing a tshirt and shorts. The worst areas for me are lower legs and arms and the very worst area was bottom of my right leg- covered in livid red scales- just horrific- honestly! It is now very pale indeed and almost gone. I want to really recommend Moo Goo. They are paraben and steroid free and so benign that you could eat it if you felt so inclined! I also bought shampoo, conditioner and body wash too plus a facial moisturiser. I am so grateful for the relief it has brought me. I was seriously depressed by the state of my skin. It flares up again occasionally, usually due to skipping the cream or not getting enough sleep or too much rich food or wine! But this stuff has really really helped and I heartily recommend it. It is also available mail order worldwide. It's an Australian brand originally.

Posted Thu 24 Sep 2015 22.21 by Batesey
It is on my scalp

I have only just discovered this site. I am in Australia and there is not nearly as much information and support for Psoraisis here yet. moo Goo is an Aussie Company and it's products are great. I have found the shampoo and conditioner really calms your scalp down and does improve it. The creams are great fro eczema too.

Posted Tue 1 Dec 2015 11.25 by callagg
flames up from time to time.

Different creams work on different people. A <a href="">psoriasis cream</a> that soothed my skin was roscara made from wild Irish seaweed. Just as a tidbit the victorians bathed in seaweed all the time. Maybe they were on to something.

Posted Tue 29 Mar 2016 08.58 by Debbie

Hi, have u tried Paul Mitchell's tea tree shampoo. My scalp is so much better since I have been using it.

Posted Thu 7 Apr 2016 02.24 by Ron67chevy
Yes for over 20 years

I had psoriasis for over 15 years on my scalp. It started on the back of my neck at my hair line then worked it way up. It eventually was all over my scalp. Tried all kinds of shampoos with no luck. Until I tried paul mitchell Tea Tree special shampoo and conditioner. I have zero psoriasis on my scalp. It is totally gone. I thought about coming on here to mention this because I still can not believe it has been gone for so long. It is now been 4 years. I started using the Tea tree shampoo and it immediately slowed down the flaring process then it slowly just went away. I noticed some others have mentioned it on here so I thought I would chime in and give my two cents. Hope it can help. One thing I also started doing around the time of trying the tea tree shampoo was my doctor wanted me to start taking certain vitamins because of my health. I am taking fish oil, red yeast, niacin and vitamin D. My psoriasis is gone and I always assumed it is the shampoo that has helped this but I also do wonder about the vitamins. Any matter I will not stop either one because no one would want it to come back. Hope this might help others.

Posted Sat 7 May 2016 18.55 by irishgeoff

Have you tried roscara <a href="">Psoriasis Cream</a> ?

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