scalp psoriasis

Posted Sun 8 Feb 2015 12.49 by auton9
Suffered from psoriasis for the past 8 years

Hi all... I am new to this forum so I will give a brief introduction. I have suffered from psoriasis for the past 8 years since I was 16. Having had times when I was covered head to toe and being to embarrassed to leave the house to other times hardly having any at all its safe to say it's very unpredictable. As I am sure you have all experienced, it tends to be a lot worse in the winter and the summer of 2014 was particularly bad because I had my first full time office job where I wasn't able to enjoy the fruits of the mid day sun as I used to be able to as a student. Anyway, I was aware that with winter coming things were only going to get worse so I decided to step up my game by changing my diet. I started eating more vegetarian food and tried to go through Monday to Friday strictly following the Pagano diet, although I do tend to drink a few cups of tea or coffee a day. The diet worked wonders and despite the wintry months my face cleared up and by body has cleared around 50%. The only issue I am still havin is that despite all of this improvement my scalp psoriasis is the worst it's ever been! To the point were I won't get a haircut because I am too embarrassed and I can't sleep due to the itching. I generally try to avoid the doctors as I sometimes feel that their cures can often be worse than the psoriasis itself and wondered if anyone on here had any tips specifically for improving scalp psoriasis. Thanks, and sorry for the long winded post! Anthony

Posted Tue 14 Apr 2015 20.40 by Carole22
Stated mildly as a teenager and tends to run in the family. I took psoriatic arthritis at 30 am now in my early 50s and it worst ever. Su

Hi I have by accident found Lush shampoo bar helps . Soak and float it is called as they have many . My scalp was bleeding and a mess and beyond painful and one day in another city I walked in and spoke to the staff in desperation . After the first wash there was a noticeable change and I use it all the time . The downside is it is not the nicest smelling but heck it works and I now use a lush shower gel which helps too.

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