My Psoriasis Living Nightmare

Posted Mon 14 Nov 2022 09.41 by psoriasis association (admin)Mod

Hi All, We have a confidential helpline for anyone who is looking for more support with their psoriasis. One of our friendly advisors will do their best to help. You can get in touch by phone on 01604 251 620, email at or WhatsApp on 07387 716 439. Best wishes, Georgia

Posted Fri 20 Jan 2023 21.14 by Krios

Hi. New here. I've had P for many, many years, mostly plaque P on my head. This is what finally made me decide to go with a biometric. Tried Taltz, which caused more problems that were not worth it. I took myself off it - big mistake. My whole body erupted with P. We on meds to clean that up, then went on Skyrizi which didn't help, and now Illumnia. I've had 20+ eruptions since my last shot three weeks ago. This can't be normal. Is anyone else experiencing no relief with the shots? My doctor keeps muttering about Taltz. It caused liquid behind the left ear drum and for six months I felt like I was talking underwater. Then it caused severe itching elsewhere. The hearing came back after a while and more prescriptions were given for the other problem. I don't want to try it again. Doctor doesn't seem to buy into some of the symptoms that I tell him. I'm running out of things to try. It's very aggravating.

Posted Sat 21 Jan 2023 13.52 by Jay

Hi Krios, I am so sorry to hear about what you are going through. I was diagnosed with Psoriasis some 10 years ago and was prescribed various creams which seemed to work for one day followed by a much larger outbreak. I then researched a lot more as I could not accept the injections and creams were the only options available. I came across an traditional Indian medicine which has documented in detail so many diseases and non-evasive ways of either putting them into control or eliminating them entirely. Psoriasis fall in to a category of internal body heat and is flaired up by stress and diet. I learned to improve my digestion and by carrying out full body detox I have much improved skin and only have some patches on my legs. I would highly recommend eating honey dew melon by itself nothing 2hrs before or after. Also, conduct self massage with organic untreated coconut oil. Eat easy to digest foods and stick to 3 meals a day, at around the same time so the body knows when to it is expecting food. I did come across natural creams which helped too. I have seen people with their body completely covered in psoriasis and after a full body detox only left with a few patches after a 3 week treatment plan. Self-awareness is a must and listening to the body. For the stress I learned to meditation. I wish you all the best in your recovery.

Posted Tue 24 Jan 2023 16.26 by Krios

Jay, thanks so much for your info. I've often thought that a full body detox would help with everything I have going on. I know my son has done them and felt much better. I've never heard about the honey dew thing. I could do that too. It's so interesting what people have found out that works and doesn't. Thanks again!

Posted Tue 24 Jan 2023 19.01 by Jay

Anytime Krios, After I did my detox I swear I felt 10 years younger. The way is understand Psoriasis or any other skin condition for that matter is is an imbalance of fire and water usually drive by the air elements. In the case of P we are experiencing a higher amount of internal heat. We are part of nature and the simplest way I can imagine what is happening is to visualise a volcanic eruption when the heat builds up. Ok I may be exaggerating but you know what I mean. The honey dew melon has very cooling properties so give it a go. If you get desperate, let me know I will try and point you in the right direction. Good luck and god bless.

Posted Tue 28 Mar 2023 19.57 by Maggie78

Hello Jay, Can you pls give more details on the traditional Indian medicine that you are referring to? A name and a link with the info. would really help throw more light on it. Been suffering for the last two years with psoriasis and would do anything to rid myself of it. Maggie

Posted Tue 18 Apr 2023 11.19 by Jay

Hi Maggie, Sorry for any delay in my response to you. I sympathise with what you may be going through. Where about are you based? I have gotten to know many practitioners over the years and can point you in the right direction. Regards, Jay

Posted Wed 19 Apr 2023 23.50 by Maggie78

Hello Jay, I am based in US but an Indian by origin and travel back home often, so was curious to know about the Indian medicine you were referring to so that I could go consult on my next visit. Awaiting your response. Regards, Maggie

Posted Thu 20 Apr 2023 09.40 by Jay

Hey Maggie, it was Ayurvedic treatment I went for. I also used a herbal cream they had provided with gave relief whilst I was under taking the treatment. All the best. Regards Jay

Posted Fri 21 Apr 2023 17.21 by Maggie78

Hello Jay, Hope all is well with you. Thank you for your prompt response. Sorry about the barrage of questions, but I’m pretty bad so I go after any small ray of hope. If anything is personal and you wish to answer pls omit 😊 1. What type of Psoriasis did you have? 2. Was the onset sudden or did you have it from childhood? 3. How much of the body did it cover? 4. Was the ayurvedic treatment called: Panchakarma therapy? 5. Where did you take up the Ayurvedic treatment? The address / name of the place will help. 6. How long was the Ayurvedic procedure for? 7. Can you highlight what all was done during the treatment? Medications, did they apply any packs to your face / body? 8. What kind of detox did they do? Process / procedure name. 9. What foods were you asked to avoid during the treatment? 10. Has the treatment been effective? i.e. did your flare ups reduce / stop all together? 11. Are you on any special diets now that its in remission / reduced? My nightmare started in Dec ’21 / Jan ’22 after a DnC was done in Nov ’21. It started on the scalp and then spread all over the body… I was treated by a functional doctor (May thru Sep ’22) and it did go into remission for a couple of months (Sep – Jan ’23). I had given up gluten, dairy, red meat, nighshades, chillies / red chilly powder / black pepper (big deal for an Indian ☹) and was on veggies, fish and fruits… after it reduced the dr. asked me to slowly introduce foods I’d given up back into my diet. Like most people with Psoriasis I dint have any immediate flare ups, it came back with a vengeance over the last two months starting Jan ’23 end and has now spread all over the scalp and body, I’m miserable again and feel so depressed. Thank you for your time and patience in answering my questions. Hope you stay in remission forever!! God Bless. Regards, Sarita

Posted Mon 24 Apr 2023 11.04 by Jay (edited Mon 26 Jun 2023 09.15 by Jay)

1. What type of Psoriasis did you have? I no longer recall what they diagnosed me with, it has been over 10 years since. I had it over my scalp, heck, back, shins little around elbows. Also been diagnosed with arthritis which is very common. I had other symptoms too. 2. Was the onset sudden or did you have it from childhood? I was playing sports 3 times a week, and was at good fitness level until I was hit with this issue. 3. How much of the body did it cover? As per 1 4. Was the ayurvedic treatment called: Panchakarma therapy? This was the detox element, yes 5. Where did you take up the Ayurvedic treatment? The address / name of the place will help. I attended a lecture by an ayurvedic dermatologist at a local University. He ran a hospital in Rajkot, India. It was a small unit under his house. Did not meet my expectation but I was looking for results. 6. How long was the Ayurvedic procedure for? 3 weeks 7. Can you highlight what all was done during the treatment? Medications, did they apply any packs to your face / body? Daily herbal oil massages, they provided all 3 meals per day, with a purge towards the end of the treatment, with medicated ghee and lots of it. 8. What kind of detox did they do? Process / procedure name. Sorry I do not know the specifics. 9. What foods were you asked to avoid during the treatment? I just had to stick to their meals, they provided. But I was not on their premises but had self control. 10. Has the treatment been effective? i.e. did your flare ups reduce / stop all together? I saw other patients there, they were praising the doctor, they had pics of before mid treatment and after. In my case I had not been covered with snake like skin (appearance) as some of these individuals were. 11. Are you on any special diets now that its in remission / reduced? I was pretty much rid of it other than the shins. My stress levels are pretty high recently and the diet still not perfected causing the flare ups to return. But still no way near what I had 10 years ago. I have removed alcohol, meat, I used to eat fish but I learned that is a no go for psoriasis suffers albeit you may be told otherwise. I am moving towards a mono-diet favour the moong daal and kitchdi (learned about this superfood). Bottom line for me is, the digestive system cannot function when overloaded, here and there it is ok but continuously battering it will have after effects. I have attended so many lectures since this event and met with many doctors alike. You begin to pick up and the commonality over time and how diseases are related. Mostly linked to the digestive system. There is even talk about 2nd brain in the stomach. The comms are suppressed between the brain and stomach due to either gm or highly sugary foods...I could write an essay and I am no specialist. If you want to make a change, do it sooner rather than later, fixing the symptom is only suppressing the root cause, and a new symptom will present itself. Wishing you all the best. Jay

Posted Wed 10 May 2023 22.41 by Mambit (edited Wed 10 May 2023 22.41 by Mambit)

Good low inflammation diet he[ps. Lay off sugar & refined carbs & alcohol among other things Watch this vid about this

Posted Wed 17 May 2023 20.32 by Maggie78

Hello Jay, Apologies on the delayed response, thank you for the detailed information, really appreciate it. Regards, Maggie

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