Deep crevasses on soles of feet

Posted Sat 27 Jun 2020 17.29 by Howarpa57

I developed psoriasis 10 years ago # stress and alcohol and bad eating. One knuckle which spread to all fingers - now palm of hands and feet since 2018. Started on heel then spread. My feet are so sore. Deep crevasses which are bleeding. I’m using Fludroxychloride tapes but one prescription only lasts a few days when I have issues on hands or soles of feet. I use salicylic acid to break up the excess hard skin on soles. However it’s slow process. I have started buffing with gentle soft buffer. I have a steroidal DERMOVATE ointment too but I use this less. As well I soak my hands and feet in zeroderm ointment every night wearing gloves/socks. So far treatment in the Uk has been via gp but I want to be referred (I do have an international medical insurance but dermatology in private uk clinics can cost £200+ Per appt so that £150 to be paid by me!) If I thought it could relieve my symptoms I would pay as I feel more than frustrated by my pain. I can’t put my feet on the floor normally due to the pain which then gives me muscle ache in legs! Any suggestions ? I’ve seen other posts% already eat blueberries. I’ve given up alcohol now for 2 months - substantially reducing sugar intake -avoiding gluten also. I’m as active as I can be. Wear thick cotton socks to cushion the foot pain. Covid has meant no face to face with doctor since January. But now I’m desperate!

Posted Sat 27 Jun 2020 20.30 by Tigs

Hello I've just joined the forum as I have recently been diagnosed with this PPP, but only on my heels. I can sympathise with what you are going through as it is extremely painful. Mine came out of the blue about 8 months ago but only had the diagnosis about six weeks ago. What has helped is I used the Dermovate for just under two weeks every evening, just to get things under control. I haven't used it since but may have to again if things get really bad. Now I use Vaseline in the morning and in the evening, either Vaseline or Diprobase and cover over with cling film until the next morning. I do think Vaseline is the best though. I also use memory foam insoles in my footwear and you can also get silicon gel protectors, either for your heels or socks for your whole feet. These do help and are very comfortable when on. You can also use these instead of the cling film at night and put moisturiser on with them. You could try a footstool to rest your ankles on at night when sitting which will take the pressure off your feet, as just resting your feet on the floor is really painful. I sent photos to my GP because of the Covid situation, but I think a lot of them have video links as well, so they can help you without necessarily having to go into the surgery. I'm trying the blueberries as well after reading the posts on this forum. I think wheat may be something I need to look at. I hope this helps.

Posted Sat 27 Jun 2020 20.50 by scouternorm

I haven't had psoriasis on anything other than my hands & feet, but CBD oil has worked wonders with my plaque psoriasis. Previously I had used Dovebet & was prescribed a drug called Soriatane, but neither worked for me. Possibly CBD oil would work for you, if you can get some. I have found relief with a topical application of CBD oil. I don't ingest it. It's a little expensive - $20 for a 30 mil bottle in Canada, it lasts about 1 month, and it's not covered by drug plans. In a little over 1 year, I would say that it has cleared up my hands & feet by over 90%. As an aside, it also seems to promote faster healing of sores/wounds. As CBD oil is used more and more, I am sure that it will relieve symptoms of a lot of afflictions. In Canada, we used to need a medical prescription to buy it from a producer, but now we can now buy it online from a government store, without a prescription. I have uploaded before & after photos here: Good luck!

Posted Sat 27 Jun 2020 21.00 by Tigs

Hello scouternorm What strength CBD oil did you use please? The results from the photos are pretty impressive.

Posted Sat 27 Jun 2020 23.49 by scouternorm

Sativa Dominant THC 1.00 mg/ml CBD 10.50 mg/ml I put it on my feet morning & night, and it's not as greasy as some ointments. For my fingers, I use a small glass container with a roller ball, and apply as often as I need to. 4-6 wks to see some improvement, then within 3-4 months, the results were astounding. Now that it's better, I don't use it as often, unless I have a flare up.

Posted Sun 28 Jun 2020 09.24 by CarolC

You have my complete and utter sympathy as I'm hobbling along the same road but only just diagnosed.. I paid to see a podiatrist privately a couple of weeks ago as even with photos sent to GP and video consults they kept just prescribing me anti fungals despite 2 skin and nail scrapings tests coming back negative. The podiatrist took one look and said tests will always come back negative because that is Hyperkeratotic Psoriasis. She filed down the worst of the crusts which made it look a lot better, but I now have half a dozen 'cravasses' (good word, splits doesn't cover it) on each foot. I have betnovate and emollient from the Dr now and I'm waiting for a dermatologist appointment. However like you I can barely walk. I've found the only thing that quietens them down for a little while is germolene -the one with a mild anaesthetic in it so I can sleep for a while. I had been using flexitol to soften the build up but the Dr told me to stop, so the plaques are getting thicker really quickly again and starting to crust. Help! It's more the pain management than anything else at the moment I'm struggling with.

Posted Sun 28 Jun 2020 13.48 by scouternorm

Carol C, I can understand what you're going thru. I had 2 dermatologists, and neither one thought that CBD oil would do anything, because not enuf studies had been done. I started this on my own, first with a marijauna infused resin salve, using it on my fingers the summer of 2017. For the first time in more than 2 years, finally some pain relief on my finger tips, and the cuts started to heal. Later, I got a prescription for medical CBD, and that's when I started using it my feet as well. The oil softened the plaque, and I could peel it off, even if it bled a bit. By Feb of 2018, my feet were much improved, and by the summer, they were almost back to normal, except the nails on the big toes, which have never recovered, and the same with my thumbs, but I'll take what CBD oil has given me, for darn sure!

Posted Sun 28 Jun 2020 19.03 by Tigs

I forgot to put on my original reply that I soaked my feet in a warm bowl of salt water at night when they were really bad.

Posted Fri 21 Aug 2020 14.40 by Charlie24

I can sympathise, I have had pustular psoriasis on the sole of one foot for six years now. Like you just resting my foot on the floor hurts. I think I have tried every cream, oil and potion going, I’ve tried blueberries, CBD oil and diet and nothing works. I have had light treatment and been to see 3 different dermatologists in different hospitals. Nothing works. A couple of months ago I read that the blood pressure tablets I was taking (Ramipril) could cause/exacerbate psoriasis. Tried to make appointment with GP only to be told she was on maternity leave to had telephone appointment with locum. He asked me to come to surgery so he could look at my foot. He prescribed oral steroids for 2 weeks. No one has ever given me oral steroids before. At the end of 2 weeks my foot was almost clear but as soon as I stopped taking them, it flared up again. Once again I was back to suffering. My blood pressure tablets have now been changed and when I spoke to locum again I told him about how the steroids had worked but as soon as I stopped the psoriasis came back. He then gave me a course of 5 weeks of steroids which completely cleared my foot. Skin was soft and normal colour and I could walk without it feeling like walking on sandpaper all the time. I took the last steroid 4 days ago and this morning my foot is covered with pustules again. Has anyone else had oral steroids prescribed and did it work. This has been the first relief and pain free time in 6 years

Posted Fri 21 Aug 2020 15.24 by SharonG (edited Fri 21 Aug 2020 15.33 by SharonG)

@Charlie24 Are you in the UK? Neither Gp or dermatologist has ever suggested or offered a steroid in tablet form for me. I have used many different steroid creams and at the moment I am using dermovate. If dermatologist hasn't recommended steroid pills I don't think GP will go down that route (I am in the UK) which is why I asked. I have suffered with pustular for 22 years in has now just this last six months got worse and now they are calling it plantar pustulosis!! I have been told that there is NO cure! I was offered acitretin just recently and I have declined due to side effects! So now dermatologist has discharged me and is leaving me to it! Nice :( But if I don't take the meds there is nothing more they can do to help. :( I am awaiting a prescription of Enstilar foam - my next step :( I tried the blueberries seemed to work at first but I think that was just a coincidence :( At the moment I am just moisturising constantly - every time I sit down out comes the cream - vaseline I find, is VERY good with snappy bags over my feet and then socks over them! They have gotten less painful now the weather has cooled down. I was putting my feet in a bucket of cold water up to 3 times per day. I feel that this is what it is - good days and bad some very bad!! I have tried private dermatologist too but they all say the same thing - There is NO cure :( So!? Where do we go - I am off to see a herbalist next week (Chinese lady - the Chinese know loads don't they?!) I will report how I go on. Good Luck xx

Posted Fri 21 Aug 2020 15.56 by Charlie24

Yes, SharonG, I am in the UK. As I said my usual GP has never mentioned oral steroids but it was the first thing the locum suggested after looking at my foot sand listening to all the things I have tried. Like you the dermatologist discharged me after I said I wasn’t happy taking the drugs he offered due to the side effects. My thinking was, he said I could only take the drugs for six months and would then have to stop. So it seemed to me I was trading pain in my foot for various other nasty things and then after six months back to pain in my foot.

Posted Fri 21 Aug 2020 21.02 by SharonG

@Charlie24 How lucky that the locum was on duty - he/she must have some knowledge of them? Can I ask what the steroids were called? It's all a bit of weighing one thing up against the other - could you not just stay on the steroids? I didn't find seeing a Dermatologist privately to be much help to be honest - why pay when you don't need to - £180 for me - I then was sent back to GP - could have saved my money!!! :( I feel a bit like it's a case of heal thyself! :( I have no faith in the NHS at all but it is all we have - unfortunately. Sharon

Posted Fri 21 Aug 2020 21.51 by Charlie24

I don’t think you can be on steroids all the time but am going to discuss with the doctor next Tuesday when I have a telephone appointment. He said if the psoriasis came back after the steroids he would refer me to a dermatologist again but quite honestly I can’t see much point. I am feeling really down this evening as my foot is now completely covered in pustules and really painful to walk after 4 weeks of no pain, smooth soft skin and walking without a limp. Going to my nephews 21st birthday BBQ tomorrow and was planning on wearing some sandals but looks like it will be slippers for me as its the only thing I can bear on my foot. Going to smoother my foot in ointment (using bee venom ointment at the moment to give it a try)

Posted Fri 21 Aug 2020 21.55 by Charlie24

Sorry SharonG I can’t remember what the steroids were called, if I get any more I will let you know

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