
Posted Mon 29 Jun 2020 13.31 by Steven

Hi I'm new and desperate having read the forum I'm starting my first day today on a I'm going to be strict cos iv had it after 15 years of psoriasis I have it on my head in my eyes and ears and in the grine and back so starting my food diet to day will up date every week thanks

Posted Mon 29 Jun 2020 14.10 by Steven

Oh can someone please tell me if thinks like olive oil dijon mustard vinegar white wine vinegar salt pepper is ok to use with psoriasis

Posted Mon 13 Jul 2020 22.24 by Tinytasia

Hello Steven I'm new here too. P sufferer for around 6 year and each outbreak is worse than the last. I am interested to know what dietary changes you are making and if they are medical suggestions. Most importantly though, I want to know if it's working for you. Check out the post about blueberries.

Posted Tue 14 Jul 2020 07.36 by Steven

Hi yea diet I haven't had any dairy products or gluten free products since June same as blueberry neither work for me mater of facts since doing this iv had a server break out but going to give it time see what happens No product from the gp works he will not refer me to a specialist I'm that depressed I'm thinking of taking my own life iv had it

Posted Tue 14 Jul 2020 08.37 by Tinytasia

Hello Steven I totally understand what you are going through, I too was feeling suicidal, nothing was working from the GP. Apparently my condition is not severe enough to get a referal to a dermatologist but the GP doesn't know what we have to deal with on a daily basis. I have seen 3 separate GP's and all they can do is give the same advice over and over. They dont have the knowledge hence my request to be referred to a dermatologist. Mine is on my hands, elbows, upper arms, kneck and thighs. I wake myself up at night scratching and bleeding all over the bed sheets. I get some temporary relief by running cold water on the areas, have you tried this? Do you know what type on P you have?

Posted Tue 14 Jul 2020 09.50 by Steven

Even the gp don't know what type I have But I'm going to bypass the gp I'm getting intouch with dermatologist at my local hospital and tell them I'm suicidal and I'm going to harm myself if I don't see them

Posted Tue 14 Jul 2020 12.06 by Tinytasia

Your GP experience is very similar to mine. Not able to tell me what type I have. Please let me know if you manage to see a dermatologist without a referal from the doctor. And please hang on in there. I know how depressing it is. We are not asking for a cure, just something to make it more manageable. You are not alone but I'm worried for you. Sending virtual hugs.

Posted Tue 14 Jul 2020 13.09 by Steven

Just had a call from doc to refer me I phoned my local hospital explaining my problem thay can not believe it so thay rang my docs for me next thing you know docs rang me and now iv been referred

Posted Tue 14 Jul 2020 14.36 by Tinytasia

Oh that is such good news. I am so pleased you have managed to get a referal. I hope the dermatologist is able to help, this is what they specialise in so they will surely be more help than the gp.

Posted Tue 14 Jul 2020 16.01 by Steven

I had to call hospital first hospital called my docs to tell them to refer me 15 years this has taken If I was you call dermatologist department at hospital tell them your doc will not refer you and you are considering suicide thay should help did for me good look

Posted Sun 16 Aug 2020 01.07 by LondonWest (edited Sun 16 Aug 2020 01.31 by LondonWest )
Had P on and off for many years 🤗

Steven have you tried betnovate cream for your groin area? That works for me anyway and anywhere in that area. Yes it does come back but at least it clears it for a while. Keep active not major exercise i do fast walking that helps and try to keep your weight down. Adding weight for me definitely made my p worse

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