Hi everyone
Is anyone else going through the same thing? I’ve been sheilding for the past few months as in biologics so working from home but expected to go back to work from the 1st August. I’m due my next jab on 7th August. I really am scared, nervous and anxious about using public transport and working in open plan office so soon after having medication. Any advice would be great thank you!
Posted Sun 19 Jul 2020 12.24 by charlie I have had psoriasis for 50 years
Hi FairyDust,
I was on stelara and methotrexate injections until March. My consultant then decided it would be better to come off one of them because of the pandemic. The stelara was beginning to lose its effect so we decided to come off it and stay on methotrexate. Fast forward a few months and my skin broke out pretty badly, proving that the stelara was still in my system until recently. I have been furloughed from work and should be shielding, but I have been going about my daily business as usual whilst avoiding busy areas,without any problems, and also using public transport. I am now on IXEKIZUMAB (Taltz) and gradually coming off methotrexate. I am also due to return to work in early august, but as long as you follow the guidelines then I'm sure you'll be fine.
1Posted Sun 19 Jul 2020 22.07 by Steview A P sufferer for over 30 years, through good and bad times.
Hi FairyDust, may I ask if you are self shielding or you received a letter from your GP advising you to shield? Also are you taking any other immonosupresive medication?
I am using stelara and was anxious that I should have been shielding but never received a letter. I asked my nurse during my last telephone appt and she confirmed I had to be using two or more immunosuppressive meds to need to shield.
I had my last injection in May and due for one next week. I have been working through lock down but in the early weeks was very anxious about working. As the weeks have passed the anxiety eased but I still try to safe distance.
I can't comment about public transport but could you ask your office manager to consider your situation to try and make things less stressful for you.
Good luck.
Posted Tue 21 Jul 2020 21.56 by FairyDust
Thank you so much for your advice guys. It’s more reassuring to know there are others going through this too. I really can’t afford to stop treatment as I’m already flaring up. Maybe it’s due to stress or not going out and about. Or both! Any more flare than this will only lead me to getting depressed again.
I will be having a occupational Health review before I return to work so hopefully they can support me.
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