
Posted Tue 21 Jul 2020 20.11 by Chelsea786 Has anyone tried this? Looks interesting

Posted Tue 21 Jul 2020 20.17 by Heather

No not heard of this one

Posted Tue 21 Jul 2020 20.36 by scarletsmummy

At £147.00for a tub I wouldn't bother, I have purchased various lotions potions etc over the last 35 years all of which promising a cure, there is no cure. these companies thrive on people buying there stuff if they worked the Health service would prescribe them because it would save them thousands in other treatments..

Posted Tue 28 Jul 2020 20.53 by modab

Was hoping to see some reply to this as my friend asked me to look at it and I am quite tempted too! I am at my worst and covid surely not helping with stress and lack of sunlight.. Fed up of creams that work for a little then dont.. but dont want to go on serious drugs either.. Have been looking at detox and dieting for sometime and now gone also gluten free (dairy except for yogurt) and cut off nightshades.. The reason I havent bought this is it has tea in some capsules and I have some reaction to tea in general... Another reason is that it has psyllium husk in am.. aka colon cleanse from holland and barret.. which is great but if you taking medications it should be taken 2 hrs before or after.. I made my own batch of herbal remedies + vitamin and minerals supplements in combination with detox diet, and have to say it seems to be improving.. I am also using clay masks (bentonite) on worst area which had huge imflammation .. and then oat milk which is only thing my skin can tolerate at moment.

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