Suffered for 3 years and now found something natural that works

Posted Sun 15 Feb 2015 16.13 by ashleaf94
I have had psoriasis for 3 years and nothing has helped so far but for the past month I have used Salcura a natural remedy and has helped al

Hi everyone, I have suffered for 3 years with psoriasis, I have it everywhere including my scalp and most recently in my ear canal, my doctors have prescribed me countless amounts of steroid creams and shampoos which all have worked for about a week and then my body became immune to them, my partners mum is a nurse and she asked about the hospital and someone told her about this natural product which have had amazing results in most people, she bought me a trial product and I saw results in a couple of days, it is from a range called 'Salcura' and I have the intensive spray, moisturiser, shampoo and conditioner. I can safely say I am amazed with the outcome, I'm not as itchy or as scaly and I have been using these for about a month now and I see vast improvements, it has no steroids or alcohol and you can also get a 'gentle' spray for babies up to a year old, I have finally found something that works and so I thought I would share it with other sufferers as I know how much it affects your everyday life, I hope this helped most of you as it did me

Posted Thu 23 Jul 2015 12.13 by Jess
I have had Severe Psoriasis for the past two years. Covered from scalp to feet, I have only just managed to start getting a hold on it.

Thank you for sharing!! I will definitely check this out! And to repay the favour: a plant called "Bulbinella". You can buy the seeds online and it grows really easily. The leaves are filled with an amazing sap that you can mix with a natural cream or apply straight onto your psoriasis. The first thing that I noticed was the itch disappear and after that, the redness, and then the actual psoriasis. I love natural options! I also order a Bulbinella-Beeswax cream from South Africa. AMAZING for Scalp Psoriasis

Posted Thu 7 Apr 2016 06.17 by ravikrishnamoorthy
As a psoriasis affected person everyone of us try every remedy and end up in frustration. All the recommendations seems to be a trial and er

As a psoriasis affected person everyone of us try every remedy and end up in frustration. All the recommendations seems to be a trial and error and no 100% relief from P. I have my own research and study to find the basic cause of Psoriasis. I will be glad to share with you all, but not sure if effective to some of you. Not all Human body tend to get charged with static electricity. Some of us accumulate this static electricity from various way. As an example, When such a person is made to sit on a fiber or plastic or PVC chair for long time, spontaneously his body get charged with static current. Other example is - a person is made to sit on a synthetic chair on barefoot but without touching the natural floor. The chair is hit with a towel by other person in barefoot, several time. Then if the other person on floor in barefoot touches the body of the person, seated on chair will experience a mild shock. This is because of static current charged into the body of the person on chair. This static current is not discharged fully from everyone's body. Some of us carry this static current in our body and also more and more current is accumulated into our body by various means in day to day lifestyle. Our body reacts to this accumulated Static current in one or other way. To release the accumulated, I take a shower bath twice daily in the morning as well as before going to bed. The floor in my bathroom is not covered with synthetic tiles as this is important to release static current stored in your body. Since last three months, I am bathing twice in a day and noticed that my scalp is completely free from Psoriatic patches and legs. But still there are very few small patches in my legs and seems to be disappearing. I am not a scholar to affirm that this static current is the fundamental cause for Psoriasis in my body, but I am relieved due this self experiment. I do not follow any diet control, still working under stress ( computer designer working almost 14 hours a day, even week end.) But I changed my bed sets to 100% cotton fabric (no synthetic fabric). That's it. My study received overwhelming appreciations in various forums, wherever I shared. You may try on yourself as it cost you nothing and send me your feedback. Hope some of you may relieve yourselves from Psoriasis to certain extent.

Posted Sat 7 May 2016 18.56 by irishgeoff

Have you tried roscara <a href="">Psoriasis Cream</a> ?

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