I have had a thought today, since I joined Slimming World some 2 years ago, my consumption of eggs has gone up, sometimes eating 2 a day (having more protein to cut down on carbs). I am thinking of cutting right back having seen something on Google re eggs and psoriasis. Has anybody got any thoughts on this?
I recommend you simply try it and see if you observe any changes.
I have never found any dietary change that affcts my psoriasis one way or the other, but many people say thatthey have. But what seems to make a positive difference for one person does not do so for another - as with many of the medical treatments.
I cannot see too much of a downside for you to reduce or cut out eggs for one month and see what happens.
I'm not surprised that eggs can be bad for P
Especially after seeing 'The truth about the egg industry' by Erin Janus on YouTube.
Posted Thu 13 Aug 2020 11.41 by Lewcee42
I have always eaten plenty of eggs - I have odd digestive problems, lifelong, (and have had several major surgeries - bits cut out and binned!), and eggs are a boon to me as poached, boiled or scrambled, never cause me any problems). Basically I had Chicken-pox as a child, then in my fifties, shingles, which seemed to set off plaque psoriasis. Initially, whilst I did not know what it was, I foolishly scratched the patches - initially causing bad welts. When my GP positively identified it as psoriasis, and read the "riot act", as in "Don't scratch, ever", the plaques come and go as they choose, only noticed by my "other half". I try to not let it bother me, using various creams - the best at the moment being LizEarle's Skin Replenishing Body Balm on flare-ups, (not open ones, I have none now). The other thing I use to keep the scalp calm is "Head & Shoulders" Classic Shampoo. I take no medication, other than that for minor Heart Probs. I am one of the lucky ones - but I do admit that occasionally the patches are noticed by fellow swimmers in the pool, but I haven't been since "Lockdown", and, funnily enough, the psoriasis has "flared up", unusually for summertime - and no Chlorine baths(?).
Hi Jen If you can get your hands on Hannah Sillitoe book Radiant or the expert it has a lot of information in here that will help. I have both and I have just started her plan as I want to get away from all the medication. Jane
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