
Posted Sat 1 Aug 2020 11.10 by youngirl3150

Hi , I am due to start Amgevita 40mg injections, I would like to know if others have tried this and what they think about it. Thank you. Carolyn

1 Posted Sat 1 Aug 2020 11.17 by scarletsmummy

i have never used this but my only warning is to please read up on side effects of any of these drugs I have just come off a course of Acitretin and have now such bad side effects its worse than the Psoriasis . PLEASE READ THE SIDE EFFECTS BEFORE TAKING ANYTHING I hope you do find relief

Posted Sun 2 Aug 2020 13.11 by youngirl3150

Thank you for your reply, I hope you find soething that works for you,. There is another name for these injections which is ADALIMUMAB also known as Humira so if anyone has tried this I would appreciate your comments.

Posted Sun 2 Aug 2020 19.35 by Chelsea786

I‘VE been on this for past 9 months. Got 100 percent clearance. Had no side effects

Posted Mon 3 Aug 2020 14.22 by youngirl3150

Hi,thank you for your reply . It is good to know you have had such a positive response. Could I ask how long before you noticed any improvement in your condition. Kind regards. Carolyn.

Posted Wed 23 Sep 2020 17.08 by alixlloydee

Hi all, i also started on amgevita recently, had my loading dose friday past. Would be interesting to know others stories? i had a flare up in march whilst on ciclosporin and its just gotten worse, im completely covered; just wondering how long it took for people to notice a difference?

Posted Wed 23 Sep 2020 17.29 by youngirl3150

Hi, I had my first injections on August 4th and noticed improvement within the first week, stay positive and hopefully you will soon feel better.

Posted Wed 23 Sep 2020 21.44 by alixlloydee

Thanks, I’m trying to stay positive but not get my hopes up too much, I’m just so bloody itchy!

Posted Wed 23 Sep 2020 21.57 by youngirl3150

I used Boots derma care moisturiser to soothe and help stop the itch🙂

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