
Posted Sun 2 Aug 2020 16.49 by Mrsp166
Living with Psoriasis and PSA :(

I hope everyone is well! I had my first appointment with my rheumatology nurse and she says they are not going down the tablet route so I’ve been offered biologics. I am very grateful for being offered them straight away instead of methotrexate or other DMARDS that have horrible side effects for some. I just wondered has anyone else went straight to a biologic without trying the usual tablets? My PSA affects my spine. I had the first set of measurements and next it’s a chest X-ray and fasting bloods and hopefully back to the nurse in about 4/6 weeks pending my approval to start the meds. Thank you in advance :-)

Posted Tue 4 Aug 2020 18.55 by Atea1116

Yes I went straight to biologics. The Humira worked well for a few months and then it all came back and I’m now on another which I’ve only had week zero and week four so far but seems okay. My scalp psoriasis was so bad and although I got rid of that with topicals and coconut oil I have now lost a third of my hair (way more than usual) but the psoriasis hasn’t come back at the moment on my scalp... I’m devastated about my hair and it’s put a real low on what would be a great time with the skin being much clearer

Posted Fri 7 Aug 2020 21.22 by Howarpa57

I’m fed up with being robbed off with creams and steroidal treatment. I started. Early 10 years ago with one knuckle then hands and soles of feet and now starting up the keg! Hands is hard when they. Bleed - I have to put plasters. However soles of feet mean a lot of pain and i can’t walk properly. I’m in the UK but I’ve heard of a someone who was put in a trial in Scotland .. maybe bioligics are not freely available in the UJ? I have given up alcohol Completely - I did cut out sugar too. I ate blueberries nearly every day In my porridge. Now I’ve been told maybe milk and even tomatoes should be omitted. I’m so fed up that I’m resorting to chocolate which is bad for. Unweighted I realise that my weight is a. Issue. I’ve most 11 kgs since January but can’t exercise due to knee problems. I’m looking for any solution which will at least give me a break from constant pain.

Posted Tue 8 Sep 2020 23.51 by Itchy

I did try quite a lot of meds before I was put on my first biologic. It seems to be the case in the NHS that you have to meet certain criteria - severity, exhausted more traditional treatments etc - before you qualify for biologics. It has taken several years of trial and error before I found one that works for me (taltz).

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