Scalp psoriasis and coconut oil

Posted Sun 16 Aug 2020 17.03 by SueA

Hello, I'm new to the forum and would like to know if anyone has had a similar experience with scalp psoriasis. I last suffered a flate up about 25 years ago, but am now experiencing another one, which has been going on since February this year (I think probably as a result of stress and/or menopause). So far I have tried but had only partial improvement with almond oil and cocois ointment. My doctor prescribed Betnovate (ointment rather than the scalp application), which worked well, but tge psoriasis came back once I stopped using the ointment. After persevering again with almond oil and cocois (using them every other day), I thought it was getting it more under control, but it felt worse on the days I wasn't using any treatment so I thought perhaps my scalp had got too used to the cocois. I'd read positive things about coconut oil as an emollient, so thought I would give it a try. I knew it probably wouldn't be a cure by itself, but decided to try using it at night and shampooing it out the next day. I'd been using it since last Sunday and apart from a small, persistent bit of scale, my scalp felt much better. However, last night (day 7 of using coconut oil), my scalp was a bit flaky at the back, but I wasn't overly concerned. However, when I went to put the oil on my xcalp before bed I discovered several dry areas, especially around the top and sides of my forehead, and after washing my hair this morning those areas feel 'tight', something I haven't really experienced this time with my scalp. I don't think I can be allergic to the coconut oil as surely I would have experienced symptoms much earlier than day 7. However, I'm now not sure what to do as I don't think my psoriasis will clear in its own and I don't want to make it worse. Grateful for any suggestions - I still have plenty of cocois and Betnovate (and coconut oil, obviously!) and Dermol 500, which I read somewhere on this forum that you can put on your scalp for an hour or so then shampoo off.

Posted Sun 16 Aug 2020 22.31 by Steview
A P sufferer for over 30 years, through good and bad times.

Betnovate scalp application worked well for me when I had a flare up. On the subject of coconut oil, years ago I was prescribed coconut compound ointment which also worked well, although messy. This was prepared by the chemist and had to kept refrigerated, once rubbed into the scalp it would then liquify. I believe Cocois is similar to this. Good luck

Posted Thu 3 Sep 2020 12.58 by Asma
Things happen for a reason: Psoriasis makes us look younger afterall ;-)

Hi Sue, try this everyday - Overnight: olive oil hair mask and wrap your hair in a bath cap. Wash in the morning - During the day: Moderate sun exposure is a must (at least 15mn) PS: extra virgin olive oil is preferred Hope this helps

Posted Sat 5 Sep 2020 16.17 by LondonWest
Had P on and off for many years 🤗

I use Betacap scalp application, it clears mine using that but obviously returns pretty soon, so i end up using it once or twice a week, surely that’s better than having it on your scalp 👍

Posted Mon 7 Sep 2020 13.50 by Tralalal02

Having tried various treatments a Dermatologist suggested I try Cocois ointment. I have never been so pleased. It is messy and it does take several applications but I find it keeps it away the longest Maybe I am just going through a mild stage of the cycle of the disease. When I was first diagnosed age 5 nothing seemed to work but as I approached my thirties the disease became much more manageable and all but disappeared. I do not like steroids and find Cocois leaves my hair in wonderful condition a swell

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