Lifestyle and meds and the possibility of intermittent use

Posted Thu 20 Aug 2020 16.27 by LJeffersonJ (edited Thu 20 Aug 2020 16.30 by LJeffersonJ)

Hi, About a year and a half ago I developed psoriasis and it covered my body, I would say upwards of 80%. The doctor's prescribed every ointment and creme under the sun to no avail because they couldn't pinpoint a diagnosis. Eventually they sent me to a dermatologist who was exceptional and put me on cyclosporine which worked wonders, I was so pleased. However, I have now come to the point when I have to come off of it and they're suggesting I go onto methotrexate. I know that keeping my skin clear, healthy and free of pain is the most important thing but I got down after my appointment because of the potential side effects and lifestyle changes I would need to make. I will see whether the side effects occur before worrying too much on that, but having to go almost t-total on alcohol is a concern. This is a frequent part of my social life, I am not talking about big binges all the time, just wine with meals, pints after work, G&T in the bath etc. but also for big events such as Birthday nights out or hen/stag dos now and then. If needed of course I will make the required adjustments, stopping the casual pints and glasses of red wouldn't be too much of a struggle but I was wondering if anyone had some advice or experiences they'd could share. My consultation talked about having intermittent courses of drugs maybe having a three month brake from cyclosporine and then back on or going on methotrexate but then switching to cyclosporine again. Though this would be down to the consultant. Has anyone else done this? If so did you have a flare up as soon as you came off meds? Sorry for the long post, and if you read it all I thank you, sincerely. Looking forward to hopefully getting some responses soon. :) L

Posted Thu 20 Aug 2020 21.30 by Steview
A P sufferer for over 30 years, through good and bad times.

Hi again, further to my previous response to your post. Again only speaking from experience. Everyone is different in how they react to coming off drugs, you could be fine or end in a flare until the new drug kicks in. I do know that Cyclo and Mtx can be used together and were in my case for a period. Speaking with my Derm I think Mtx is the preferred drug for longer term use out of the two. As far as lifestyle and alcohol consumption, please don't take this the wrong way but I think you need to be honest with yourself as it sounds like you are probably consuming over the recommended weekly guideline for units. Long term this can take its toll of course but taking such strong medication it is even more important to limit your consumption. Again apologies if it sounds like I am preaching. Good luck.

Posted Fri 21 Aug 2020 00.09 by Boo

Hey, I completely understand as I felt the same way when I was first put on methotrexate, when you are at a young age and have a busy social life, which does tend to involve drinking, it is quite difficult. I spoke with my consultant who advised it was okay to have a few drinks here and there and stick to government guidelines etc, just be careful and make sure you get your blood tests regularly to keep an eye on liver and kidney function etc.

Posted Fri 21 Aug 2020 10.19 by LJeffersonJ

Hi Stevie, No, no I don't take it that way, I am appreciative of anyone who responds and shares their experiences! I do take that on and have had to rethink some lifestyle changes previously to my psoriasis kicking off. At the moment I am around the recommended amount per week, often under but lockdown will be partly reason for that because there are no after work drinks etc. I think the bigger events and nights out are the biggest influence causing my bother. I will always take the steps to keep myself safe and healthy and part of that is putting my skin condition as a high priority, far above drinking of course. Thanks again for your reply, it means a lot. L

Posted Fri 21 Aug 2020 10.42 by LJeffersonJ

Hi Boo, Thanks for your comment, yeah it has just been something that's on my mind because it is something I will need to adjust and don't know how it will make me feel when socialising. I guess I will adapt because I know you don't need booze to have fun of course! :) L

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