
Posted Fri 28 Aug 2020 14.07 by Hellyhand

I've seen recommendations on a Facebook group for a dietary supplement called Emulin. It's primarily to control blood sugar but there are claims that it is anti inflammatory and can help reduce psoriasis. I can't find any formal evidence online but wondered if anyone on here has any experience of it. I've recently developed psoriasis on my palms and fingers, which is new for me, usually have mine on elbows and legs.

Posted Sun 6 Sep 2020 16.17 by Emmaloub

Would love to know the same

Posted Mon 7 Sep 2020 21.34 by allan m

Is it an actual bona fide group or a scam advert

Posted Wed 9 Sep 2020 22.13 by Hellyhand

The group on Facebook works as a forum for psoriasis sufferers and is above board. However, this was being recommended by an individual who says it worked for them so they now sell it. Being a bit of a sceptic, thought I'd ask on here

Posted Sat 3 Oct 2020 02.49 by Stacey

I work with Valentus who does Emulin amongst 25ish other natural health products, I can tell you my experience from my own results & also what I've seen 1st hand, I've had psoriosis for nearly 35yrs & would never ever "scam" any1 into a product, just to get money. I know exactly what this has done to my body inside & out & it's completely ruined me, so I researched & researched for years, decided to a complete dairy&gluten free diet, taking Vitamins A,D&K, treating from the inside out & no steroids, no creams with perfume/alcohol/paraffin etc(which I was shocked just how many "natural" products weren't actually "natural") But after a decade I was tired of constantly looking at anything & everything going in/on my body, the cost was too much If I'm honest asWell, so researched & found this. All I can say like I said is it's worked FOR ME...Everyone is different, what works for you might not for me & visa versa. Personally, if it's natural, I'll give anything a shot, so I did. Research ladies, it's called Valentus. It has 3 ingredients all plant based/vegan called - Quercetin - Helps to repair damage caused by free radicals, boost immunity, fight inflammation & combat allergies, helps maintain general health. Myricetin - A member of the natural plant flavanoid found in most fruits/Veg. Also a powerful antioxident, helping with inflammation & the immune system. Chlorogenic Acid - Natural antioxident & can help with infections. I also looked at a site called realpeoplerealresults & even though it's not aimed at psoriosis, a lot of people,myself included, have found it clearing or cleared, I mean I was on a Facebook group the other day & someone commented on a product "Have you tried this? I've just seen a famous celebrity say it works" The amount of people who jumped on to ask what it was/where they could get it etc...I was just...Idk...I just don't get how a celeb getting hundreds of thousands of pounds,to advertise a product they've more than likely never even seen let alone used, is believed MORE than a genuine sufferer who is recommending a product they found to work for them...Not even trying to get a sale, personally anyway! I've suffered that long, regardless if I'm a rep or not,I'm not going to keep quiet about a product that's worked for me, like I've said, everyone is different, so may work for some, may not for others, thats why I for one anyway, will always tell people to research a product, look up the massive long fancy words & see exactly what it is youre putting on or inside of your body. Your skin & health is the most important thing, so please, just have a good look about, not Valentus, I just mean have a good look about full stop, I know steroids work, the creams only burn the skin away & come straight back when stopped, the tablets & injections for me, well...I'm sure you know, but for me, I had one problem...Now...I've 2 major liver & lung problems, asWell as I get skin ulcers & all the scarring I've got,so the quick fix FOR ME...Wasn't worth it. I hope I've shown you we aren't a "scam" & there are other products out there if you look. I wish you all well & hope you all find something you love & your skin starts to ease & get a little better at the least.X

Posted Sat 29 Jul 2023 05.25 by traveladdict

This post is regarding me only, I was a covered, in psoriasis, and also a diabetic, correlation, no doctor has ever taken care of me, only to give me drugs, that destroyed my organs, again, I was in desperation, and overheard a few people one day, as I was waiting for a few tests, they mentioned the word Emulin..I asked out of curiousity, Right timing? why not, it wouldnt hurt right? So I asked about it, and yes they were passionate about helping people, So I ask them to give me a sample, and one lady, she was tall and quite knowledgeable, just how to she spoke to me, very compassionate, she said that this worked for and wanted me to try it for 3 months, because 1 week wouldnt do the job.. This was back in 2008. I have never stopped using it, I was SKEPTICAL, I just thought this was a gimmick, but why not I ll try anything natural, it had no side effects, and she instructed me how to use it..She would call me every day, to make sure I was using it correctly. At first I thought why she is so invested in me? I knew, why after I started seeing my psoriasis spots disappear, I was on a 10day zero carb zero sugar diet, to reset my metabolism and bathe my cells, it worked, I lost some toxic water, and then I could eat what I wanted, as long as my carbs were not over 100g in a day, I did what she told me to do, day 7 started have no more itch spots, I wish i had taken a picture, but everyone I knew, knew when they would see me, I was starting to look better. My doctor saw me monthly, and he said, that my MARKERS for Psoriasis, were coming down, what was I doing, so I told him. He said keep doing what your doing. Forward 15 yrs, YES Emulin Works, I took the C, it worked better, Im completely free since 2008, 9 months after I started, it, I have advocated for many, and yes it works if you truly have the markers for psoriasis.. It also works for Ezcema, because I have that too, My markers are undetectable. There is a gut issue that gets fixed with this too, The ingredients are not drugs...There is no SCAM, The Dr that developed this has good intentions, sugar destroys our immune systems, I no longer crave sugar, If you can try it, please do, it wont harm.

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