Face on fire,

Posted Sun 20 Sep 2020 14.23 by Curlytop

Hi I was diagnosed with psoriasis (plaque one) about 10 years ago it stayed on my forearms initially, then slowly spread up my arm and on to my legs. About a year ago I had some flakey symmetrical patches on my face which have gradually got bigger and now cover most of my face. My gp told me to use dovonet , I’ve done this for 2 weeks and although my skin is smoother it is really red and feels like sunburn. I’ve not contacted the forum before, but I thought members might know more than my go, Any advice? Thanks

Posted Sun 20 Sep 2020 15.07 by Steview (edited Sun 20 Sep 2020 15.35 by Steview)
A P sufferer for over 30 years, through good and bad times.

Sorry to hear of your current situation. Has your doc prescribed Dovobet or Dovonex? I have not heard of Dovonet. I have used Dovobet for years on and off and understand that is a very strong steroid ointment that can have negative effects of extended use, other than the positives of use on P. Anyway my thoughts were that Dovobet should not be used on the face and genital areas. A good doctor should be aware of this. If there is a product called Dovonet please ignore the above. Good luck.

Posted Sun 20 Sep 2020 15.18 by OhNo_NotAgain?

Doctors and Dermatologists DO on occasions prescribe use of steroid ointment for the face and genitals. However, they usually advise to use the treatments VERY sparingly on those parts of the body, and they usually want to see you frequently to monitor for signs of over-use or adverse effects. Steroids such as Dovobet can cause thinning of the skin, and should not be used on the face or others sensitve parts of the body (where the skin might already be thin) without speciific medical advice and supervision.

Posted Sun 20 Sep 2020 15.41 by Steview
A P sufferer for over 30 years, through good and bad times.

Good points OhNo_NotAgain? I wasn't certain which ointment the OP was using. Hopefully they have a follow up appt to review usage.

Posted Sun 20 Sep 2020 15.51 by Curlytop

Thanks vert much for your replies, it’s Dovonex I’ve been using (sorry about that). Is it usual for my face to be so stingy? Could you suggest what I could use to cool it down.

Posted Sat 10 Oct 2020 00.15 by beth

After I had quite severe guttate psoriasis on my face, my doctor suggested I can use Dovobet on my face, however he cautioned that it must be used sparingly, and for a maximum of 3-5 days with a 2 week break afterwards. I used it for 6 days the first time and it cleared things up incredibly quickly. I'm yet to see if it comes back during the two week break.

Posted Sat 17 Oct 2020 05.17 by Jll123

I have psoriasis on my face. It’s so embarrassing. I’m sick of people staring at me like I’m contagious and people saying “what’s that ?” The only thing that clears mine up is calcipotriol Which is not normally used for the face but works brilliantly. If I have a break for a few days it quickly appears again. It is no help on my elbows or knees though

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