Zinc Really Turned things around for me

Posted Mon 28 Sep 2020 16.39 by SAS

I have had both eczema and psoriasis for the past decade, I am 60 years old male, and never had skin conditions, except acne as a teen. I am so happy with my skin today. I began taking a zinc supplement recently. My motivation was to improve my immune system, so that if I were to catch Covid-19, then I would be better able to fight the virus. Well, the zinc has done so well for my immune system that I maybe have defeated 99% of all signs of eczema and psoriasis effecting me. I could not believe it. I have tried everything that I could throw at this issue; Doctor's appointments, biopsies, prescriptions Probiotics (both food and pills) Vitamin D Fish Oil Supplements Coconut Oil Sun (this helped, but very seasonal here in the Pacific NW and it has its cancer causing agents) Lotions Creams A daily Zinc supplement turned it all around. It has been 6 months now, it did not happen overnight, but give it a week and you will see things clearing up. My supplement is Puritan's Pride brand, Zinc Gluconate (I have only tried this type so far), and 50mg dose. 1 a day has done this for me. So happy to be out of the woods and hope this too might help others too. It is not my intention to put Dermatologists out of business, but I have no medical insurance any more, so needed to find a solution on my own.

Posted Wed 30 Sep 2020 18.12 by bargainlovingmum

That is brilliant to know - thanks so much for sharing.

Posted Sat 16 Dec 2023 18.04 by Frenchman49
49 years old, pso since 2011

Hello! I don't know if you SAS are still around here but I read your post last Saturday and I've added Zinc to the D3 and K2 that I've been taking for 4 weeks and it seems that the healing is accelerating! Thank you so much. Who else has tried zinc?

Posted Sun 17 Dec 2023 14.07 by lizziep

I did try it at on-stage and it didn't particularly help me.

Posted Wed 20 Dec 2023 12.58 by Frenchman49
49 years old, pso since 2011

Did you take the same dosage? Because 50mg is a lot..

Posted Sat 23 Dec 2023 11.05 by lizziep

No - I didn't take that much as 40mgs is considered the most you should take.

Posted Mon 1 Jan 2024 11.59 by Jesse Jolliffe

Gday guys, I have bad palmoplantar psoriasis on my hands and feet but particularly on my feet. Have been on Acitretin since March 23, started on 25mg and took it up to 35mg a day in June. I have just stopped taking them as I want to try a natural alternative. Just wondering if anyone has read a book called ‘THE PSORIASIS STRATEGY’ written by Jullissa Clay and done her 4 week program? I’ve also changed my diet to no gluten, no dairy and no processed sugars to see if that helps and will be doing a 3 day juice fast to help reset the gut as that could be connected to my constant flare ups. Will let you know how I go or if anything works. Cheers, Jesse

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