Specialist in London

Posted Mon 28 Sep 2020 23.44 by Ludwig

Hi everybody, I feel a bit discouraged today after I've seen the same dermatologist for the 3d time (private). She didn't even went back to read what she prescribed to me months ago, without success. When I pointed it, she just said "you know it's a chronic condition, try again...". I'm wondering if there is a way to find dermatologists specialised in psoriasis in London, and not someone who doesn't seem to understand the condition. (Atm the situation is very bad on my scalp and groin). Thanks for any help!

Posted Tue 29 Sep 2020 06.45 by scarletsmummy

To be paying private for a consultation of any sort and for them not to even go over your notes prior to your next visit is disgusting ,I would definitely look for another consultant especially as you are willing to pay for it .I have had Psoriasis on my scalp for nearly 35 years and at its worst i have sat with scissors scratching my scalp till I made it bleed .It is a chronic condition to which there is no known cure ( and whoever finds a cure will be very rich) its all trial and error with regards to treatment and the only thing that eases my scalp is Cocois cream which i leave on my scalp for about 6 hours ( sometimes overnight) it loosens the scales so i can comb/brush them out and shower them off .You can find a list of specialist Dermatologists on the BMA website but living in London you have the London Dermatology Clinic (Monument/Bank) and also Harley street Dermatology clinic .........Good luck

Posted Tue 29 Sep 2020 22.50 by Ludwig

Thank you for your kind words and advice. I ll give a try to Cocois and explore those hospitals. Take care :)

Posted Fri 2 Oct 2020 22.37 by Ayyaz1

Hi personally I can recommend either Dr Sarkany @ Lister Hospital or Prof Barkar @ St Thomas and Guys.

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