Oregon grape root

Posted Sat 7 Mar 2015 11.48 by Ypomp
Have psoriasis for 8 years, mainly on my head, but I have it on my arms and legs too.

I recently saw an article for Oregon Grate root and how it completely cleared up someone's psoriasis. I did some research (very little information out there) and decided to give it a go. I've used various ointments over 8 years and while they kind of help, they died my skin bright white and the doctors advised me to not use them. So I got a pack of shampoo, conditioner, serum, moisturiser, scalp spray and maintenance cream from the Skin Shop after reading the incredible reviews for them on there. It's still early days (day 3) but the psoriasis on my face has turned a fierce red and almost looks worse. I have been struck down with a cold so I'm constantly rubbing my nose whichever isn't helping I'm sure. Like I said it's early days, I'm just wondering if anyone else has tried OGR?

Posted Thu 18 Jun 2015 18.05 by ALIH44
confidence & depression

I purchased the whole lot and to be honest i saw very little difference and i think its pretty expensive too! how did you get on?

Posted Fri 19 Jun 2015 14.27 by warren1
widespread psoriasis for 30years

I have just read the case of Heather Mckensie - mail online and Ann Grundy both of these women were extersively covered by psoriasis and both used Oregon Serum. You can see fron the before and after photos the massive difference after 2-3 weeks. From their articals their psoriasis looked very red and sore like mine. so i have ordered two tubes to try it. presently my arms and hands look like they have been dipped in acid. so its worth a go. ps you can easily google the two women. regards, War.

Posted Tue 8 Sep 2015 07.07 by dougie
i have it all over my body

hi i recently changed my diet realising that the cure must come from the inside,so i avoid anything with wheat in it you have to be careful because wheat is in nearly everything i also gave up cows milk and use almond milk it tastes realy nice and keeps for longer i believe cows milk is for cows and if you check it out on youtube you will give it up too.i purchased a nutri bullet and have a smoothie every day i have banana,carrot,frozen fruits and spinach green vegtables are very good for the skin you can buy them from tesco or any other supermarket and i do not drink tap water i think that flouride is poison i have to wash in it bit if i had a choice i wouldnt so now i will explain the changes since the diet first i am 62 i have psoriasis or should i say had because it is definately fading and i think will eventualy go altogether im also about 17 stone and this diet has a nice side afect it also helps to loose weight because most foods that contain wheat are fattening i also have C.O.P.D and if i can bring my weight down that will help my breathing i hope you give it a try you have nothing to lose let me know how your doing god bless dougie

Posted Tue 7 May 2019 14.06 by Robbo

Any updates on how you guys got on with Oregon please? Just been looking at it myself.. Thanks Rob

Posted Wed 12 Jun 2019 20.09 by Pauline

I’ve just ordered Oregon grape root creams fingers crossed 🤞

Posted Thu 12 Sep 2019 12.56 by twiggy3

I bought the cream once. No effect whatsoever. I find a lot of these “miracle cures” often on the dailymail are nothing more than adverts disguised as stories. You’ll find at least one a week. Complete scam.

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