Treatments for flexural psoriasis

Posted Wed 30 Sep 2020 16.10 by Harters

I've had patches of psoriasis for several years, most of which are well managed or not inconvenient. However, I have one patch between my buttocks which flares up every few weeks and, when it does, is quite sore to the touch. In the past, I've been prescribed Eumovate and Trimovate, both of which reduce the little bumps and the soreness within about a week of applying it twice a day. But it can be back in anything from 2 - 6 weeks. Earlier this year, the GP referred me to the Dermatology department at the local hospital after a brief, but nasty, incidence of what may have been guttate psoriasis on my hands. With the general delays and Covid, I've only just had that appointment. This was, of course, many months after the hands had cleared up but I decided to attend the appointment to have a general review of my condition. And am generally glad I did - it was good to talk to someone who I felt properly knew about psoriasis The doctor there has now recommended Daktacourt for the buttock flare-up but, writing to the GP, she's said I will also need the Eumovate and possibly the Trimovate. What is not clear (and what I want to prepare for before talking to the GP) is why I would be needing to use all three treatments, which appear to be broadly similar in their scope (and , indeed, Trimpvate and Daktacourt seem very similar). I know none of them are recommended for long-term use, so I'm wondering if this is just a matter of "ringing the changes" or if there is some other specific benefit . Does anyone have general advice to offer, please? Has anyone had experience of using such a "cocktail" of treatments on one part of the body? How does it work? TIA John

Posted Thu 1 Oct 2020 02.10 by LondonWest
Had P on and off for many years 🤗

Betnovate Cream or Timodine Cream and yes it will return but these will give you some relief. Monitor that area and apply as soon as any outbreak starts thats the important bit. I’m sounding like a stuck record here with Betnovate Cream 😁 I wouldn’t want to put any moisturising cream in that area personally it might promote a fungal or yeast infection

Posted Thu 1 Oct 2020 11.53 by Harters

Hi. Are the Betnovate and Timodine different medications to the three products recommended by the hospital consultant? Or just different brandings of one of those recommended? TIA

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