Hi all, I have a patch of psoriasis on my scalp, which I had been, finally, controlling by using cocolis at night, vitamin d lotion occasionally during the day and using simple shampoo and conditioner, with sebclair shampoo as well. It has suddenly flared again, so I have started using steroid cream which I will wean down over the week.
Now, I must admit my lifestyle has not been very healthy lately, too much alcohol and unhealthy food! Does lifestyle have a direct affect in psoriasis do you think and am I doing the right thing by using a reducing strength of steroid over a few days? TIA
Posted Sat 17 Oct 2020 17.45 by OhNo_NotAgain?
From my own experience, tapering off steroid gradually IS the best way to do it - and my Doctor agreed. It is no guarantee of no-rebound, but can help.
Regarding lifestyle - some people find that improving their diet delivers a significant improvement in their condition. Some others see no link. It certainly will not harm your health to cut out alcohol for a while and try to eat more healthily and see what happens. I would give it 4-6 weeks to give diet changes a chance to do something if they are going to.
Posted Sat 17 Oct 2020 17.58 by JenJens
Many thanks for coming back to me. I am aiming to cut out alcohol for six weeks and eat healthily going forward, so fingers crossed.!
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