Psoriasis Relapse

Posted Wed 18 Nov 2020 01.42 by itsellena

hi all, i’ve been struggling with psoriasis since i was 5 years old (I’m now 18). just recently, it’s started to get worse and i am really struggling with my mental health. i’m scared to wear low cut shirts, short sleeved tops and skirts because it’s all over my back, stomach and chest. there’s also huge patches on my legs, left arm (which i planned to get a tattoo on but now i can’t) and little patches on my face. i can’t stop picking at my scalp due to compulsive skin picking. i had a really bad skin picking habit on my arm and as it was healing up, patches started to grow over it. i’m losing all confidence in myself and i can’t even look at myself in the mirror without feeling disgusted of my appearance. i was bullied in school for it. i’ve tried topical treatments and i find it hard to stick to it due to my adhd which causes me to get distracted often and i always forget to put the cream on. now it’s covered my back, i can’t reach it and it’s getting out of control. i feel so isolated and my boyfriend calls me scabby and makes jokes about it which in turn makes me feel even more low about myself. i struggle with self esteem enough as it is. it’s so itchy and agonising, i’m always getting blood on my pillow, i’ve tried to talk to my gp about it but i just kept getting prescribed creams that don’t even work (my mum used to put it on for me cos i couldn’t do it myself). it’s now affecting my physical health. i get tachycardia quite often cos apparently heart problems can be linked to psoriasis? i’ve got really bad joint pain and sometimes i can’t move my knees, they feel really stiff at times. i think i’m also diabetic (which i’ll discuss with my gp) and i know that there’s also a link between those two conditions for some reason. i feel like crying my eyes out most of the time. i just wish it would go away. ive tried avoiding foods and changing my diet around, i try to avoid stress but it’s pretty hard to cos of my neurodiverse conditions as well (i’m also autistic). really sorry for the long paragraph, just wanted to rant about my struggles as i don’t really have anyone to talk to.

Posted Wed 18 Nov 2020 08.33 by SharonG

Aww I so feel for you - you need to see a dermatologist! Go back to your GP and ask for a referral - there is no need to suffer like this. There is help out there ok?

Posted Wed 18 Nov 2020 23.07 by LondonWest
Had P on and off for many years 🤗

Most of us on here have been through exactly what your going through now. Psoriasis seems to have a mind of its own and comes on with different intensity and also gets better as well. Here are a few tips i can offer, some clothes you simply can’t wear if you have psoriasis, psoriasis is linked with many other conditions but that doesn’t mean you will get any of them, Your boyfriend doesn’t sound very supportive and personally I wouldn’t tolerate that, I’ve had psoriasis since age 12 and I’m 55 now and you have to adapt your life around it, sounds easy i know but you definitely can do it. There are numerous treatments out there so you can discuss those with your doctor. My point is this yes you have psoriasis but you can still have a enjoyable life and psoriasis hasn’t stopped me doing anything 👍

Posted Thu 19 Nov 2020 10.02 by PsoAdminMod

Hi itsellena, I am Amber and I work for the Psoriasis Association. I am so sorry to hear you are struggling with your psoriasis at the moment and that you are feeling alone and unsupported in coping with the condition. It sounds as though your GP should be considering a referral to a dermatologist, particularly as your skin is affecting your mental health and wellbeing. We would be happy to offer you some advice and information about what treatments are available and what steps you can take to encourage your GP to refer you to a specialist. We have a confidential helpline which is open Monday - Friday 9am-4pm. You can get in touch by phone on 01604 251 620, email at or WhatsApp on 07387 716 439. Best Wishes, Amber, Psoriasis Association

Posted Thu 19 Nov 2020 21.23 by Steview
A P sufferer for over 30 years, through good and bad times.

Hi itsellena, sorry to hear of your current condition. I fully echo what others have suggested to get a referral to a Specialist dermatologist and maybe a rheumotolgist for your joint pain. There may also be someone who your GP can refer you to talk over your mental wellbeing. There are numerous treatments available other than creams that only the consultant can recommend and prescribe. Good luck.

Posted Fri 20 Nov 2020 09.43 by AzureBlue

Hi itsellena, it sounds like you’re really struggling at the moment. I have every sympathy for you. Just know that you’re not alone and that many others have gone through what you’re going through. You need to have a full and frank conversation with your GP. Tell them exactly how you feel and that you want to be referred to a dermatologist. Don’t take no for an answer and be as forceful as you need to be. You are entitled to get the care you need. There are many effective treatments for psoriasis beyond what you’ve had so far so please don’t lose hope. You just need to access them and having that conversation with your GP is the first step. Lastly, nobody on this forum can tell you how to live your life but you may want to reflect on your relationship with your boyfriend. Is it the loving and supportive relationship you deserve? Good luck with everything. Please continue to share your thoughts on this forum if that helps you. In my experience, the forum is really supportive and a great place to share hints, tips, advice and sometimes just to ‘vent’ with people who know exactly how you feel.

Posted Fri 20 Nov 2020 10.50 by EnTee

Great sympathies from me to you. Look into changing your diet. I'm convinced this helps. It did me!

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