I have patches of Psoriasis - a few in the scalp, some on my lower back and tops of legs. I have visited a GP and many of the ointments they gave me did not work. The best one I felt was a Coconut Oil compound. However, recently I believe it is now in my ear. One of my ears is completely blocked. I have been putting Jojoba Oil drops in which relieves the itching, if I don't administer any oil at all the itching is unbearable. Any advice??
Hi Rachel, I have the same problem with my ears. My ears are really sore and itchy inside and my hearing seems to be muffled because of the psoriasis. I was advised by my dermatologist to go and see my GP about my ears to see if I need them syringing to clear them of the build up. In the meantime I was told to use a cotton bud with a little bit of moisturiser and a mild steroid cream just around the entrance of the ear but no further. I hope this helps!
1Posted Sun 22 Nov 2020 08.43 by OhNo_NotAgain? (edited Mon 8 Feb 2021 09.00 by OhNo_NotAgain?)
I also get wjhat seems to be psoriasis inside my ears (I have it in many other places).
I use a very thin smear of dovobet steroid applied morning and evening for 1 or possibly 2 days, and it seems to keep it underr control.
I read somewhere (and I have forgotten where it was now, I forgot to save the link) a suggestion to try a hay-fever/ anti allergy spray usually used for the nose.
It is Fluticasone Propionate, I bought it as "Boots Allergy Relief Nasal Spray" . . . . I tried it in my ears instead of the dovobet, and it really helped.
It has an a dvantage of course that it can penetrate deeper into the ear canal without risk inherent in using a cotton bud for example.
Posted Mon 21 Dec 2020 12.58 by Busyphil
I also get it in my ears what I do is get a little bit of dovobet either on my finger or a cotton bud and gently wipe it around I find it very effective, then use earex olive oil to wash any blockage away
Posted Sun 7 Feb 2021 11.11 by LenRa First plaque in 2018
I read that if your hearing gets bad, you can ask your doctor to very carefully remove the blocking skin from time to time. I don't know if this is a good idea, but you might try coal-tar ointment in the ears to slow skin growth.
Also read that CBD oil can slow skin growth (keratinocytes) but so far no anecdotal results on that front.
Posted Sun 21 Feb 2021 12.50 by mellymurray
Hi Rachel, I had a similar problem a few years ago, it was soo itchy and I used Vaseline with a cotton bud. The skin cleared up eventually. I currently have patches behind my ears which are irritated by wearing a mask! My scalp is 25% covered with itching and scaly skin, I have patched on my lower back and on my bra line. There are times I think it’s getting better but then it appears in other places? I use a tar based soap.. doesn’t change much. And Nizoral anti dantruff shampoo. Still doesn’t stop flare ups though.
Posted Sun 21 Feb 2021 13.53 by Busyphil
Hi mellymurray
Best i have found for the scalp and behind your ears are the dovonex,or dovobet scalp solutions if needed you can get a betacap solution from your gp that is very effective on your scalp .
Hope this helps
Posted Sun 21 Feb 2021 21.29 by Boo
I also get psoriasis in my ears and i find myself picking at it constantly without even realising! It’s so irritating. Like others have suggested I normally use a cotton bud and coat it in either coconut oil or a very thin amount of steroid ointment, and then apply this inside the ear using the cotton bud.
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