Potential Inverse Psoriasis (groin)

Posted Fri 20 Nov 2020 23.12 by seanjames

Hi Guys, first time here, need help. I suppose I am quite lucky and my psoriasis across my body is relatively mild all things considered. However recently, I have started to get what i believe to be fairly aggressive inverse psoriasis on groin & scrotum. I know it could be jock itch - but jock itch treatments has not helped which has led me to believe it is psoriasis. red itchy patch on both sides of groin. I use dovobet for my skin, but really would love help or advice for what I should use on my groin. Thanks in advance.

Posted Sat 21 Nov 2020 10.46 by OhNo_NotAgain? (edited Sat 21 Nov 2020 10.46 by OhNo_NotAgain?)

I have had this for many years. As you say it does not clear up with standard fungal treatments. I believe what I have DOES have a fungal element to it. I have had it recurring since 1981. My plaque psoriais first presented in 1980. The best treatment I have found is Trimovate, plus Elecon. as soon as a recurrance beginds, I use both Trimovate and Elecon and after 3 days I stop the elecon and continue the trimovate until it has gone. Trimovate contains an antifungal as well as steroid and anti-biotic. I sometimes add more antifungal such as Daktarin. My GP was very helpful as he understands what i have gone through over the years, and that i take a logical and analytical view of my treatments and symptoms. He continued to prescribe Trimovate (and elecon) for me becasuse Trimovate worked for me, even though for a short time it was removed from the NHS lists for prescribing (which meant he could prescribe it but it cost the practice more). I tried their recommended alternative (Timodine) but it was ineffective for me. Now, over the past 1 year i have been able to cut down the outbreaks from 4-6 weeks before recurring, to 6+ months between outbreaks. 1. Thinking about the potential fungal aspect , I dry my groin and between toes with a couple of squares of kitchen roll and not a towel, to reduce the chances of spreading or reinfecting. 2. after every shower, I use a medicated anti-fungal powder in my groin and around that area. This helps keep it dry or drier, and can inhibit any fungus also. 3. When I had an outbrak, some times I apply a sparing amount of the powder after drying myself and before applying the Trimovate to remove any moisture. I always masage the ointment in to the skin as much as I can rather then leave a significant coating on the surface. Good luck.

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