Covid Vaccine

Posted Sat 21 Nov 2020 09.24 by OhNo_NotAgain?

I have had a flu vaccine every year since 1997 (in different countries) and never seen any influence on my psoriasis. I am also not in the slightwst concerned or worrid about the covid-219 vaccination and as soon as it is available to me i will take it. YThere is very little actual research showing a negative impact of the flu vaccination on psoriasis. Some studies that saw a possible correlation between an increase in psoriasis symptoms in some peiople in the 3 months after getting a vaccination, but that is not research that proves any link. I have just looked again and out of the first 20 results that say in the summary results listing that there IS a triggering effect, when I open the actual links they ALL reference the same 2015 paper that looked only at a small number of patients who REPORTED anecdotally a worsening of symptoms in the 3 months after a vaccination. I am old enough that when at school i had classmates and a few teachers who HAD sufferred polio. Iron lungs were still available in hospitals. Women who caught rubella in early stages of pregnancy were giving bitth to damaged babies. Men my father worked with were getting tetanus. Vaccinations largely eradicated these conditions, certainly from most people's everyday experiences. If someone is worried, I think essentially they need to consider what worries them more - potentially suffering from Covid19, or potentially having their psoriasis worsen for a time. Obviously the balance can be different depending on the severity of someone's psoriasis.

Posted Sun 22 Nov 2020 08.38 by Mac

Mimon, the government won't force you too take anything, your not forced too take the flu jab. I think worrying is more your enemy than any vaccine, if it's worrying you that much and they bring one out, just say no thank you i can't deal with the unknown. I'm with OhNo_NotAgain get my flu gab every year for year's now with no probs, and will jump at the chance of getting back too normality, and not treating every one a round me like they have the plague, i'll be standing in the line for the covid 19 vaccine when offered (hopefully soon). Remember you have the option of refusal, so don't be worrying.

Posted Sat 2 Jan 2021 22.25 by Sizzy
Psoriasis 40 years, most treatments tried over this time, currently on biologics (stelara) as nothing else work.

Psoriasis sufferers are in group 6 for covid vaccine. I think that means we are at higher risk of complications if we get covid. Therfore, I would not think twice about getting it. Flu jab has never affected my psoriasis and I get that every year. This year a little different as on Stelara, but again, flu jab fine.

Posted Tue 12 Jan 2021 08.02 by OhNo_NotAgain?

Here are a cou0ple of links with more information possibly: Do not forget that the Psoriasis Association has a help line also and can give advice.

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