Psorasis on Eyelids

Posted Wed 1 Apr 2015 08.37 by kaiteyb
I struggle with psoriasis on a daily basis. It affects my health, my mood and my self-confidence.

Hi, I was wondering if anyone else gets psoriasis on their eyelids? My upper eyelids are really red and skin is flaky. I have tried baby shampoo, eye masks, eye gels, eye creams and nothing has helped so far. Has anyone found anything that has worked for them?

Posted Wed 1 Apr 2015 10.39 by jac1979
8 years

Have you got anything on prescription that you can use? Try to avoid anything with fragrance and sometimes Vaseline can work a bit. I have had 95% coverage eyes and eyebrows included and found that dovabet worked. Doublebase is handy too but neither of those got rid of any active plaques I had they just stopped the flake.

Posted Wed 1 Apr 2015 11.47 by kaiteyb
I struggle with psoriasis on a daily basis. It affects my health, my mood and my self-confidence.

Thank you for the reply. Nothing on prescription as yet. Was prescribed timodine and trimovate for other areas but never used them on my eyes. Use Vaseline to stop it looking less flaky when at work when my eyes still look red and I am not wearing any makeup (even hypoallergenic) as this also aggravates it. Will look into dovabet and doublebase though :) Thanks.

Posted Sat 4 Apr 2015 08.28 by ELangford
Mild psoriasis from birth, escalated in 20s, tho helped by keeping skin cool and wearing cotton vests. Diagnosed with Psa in 2012

Hi Kaitey, I did get that for a while but think it was when my hair was longer. I also got it on my forehead, so had my fringe and hair cut. You may just want to pin it back. That seems odd when all you want to do is cover it up, but even if you just do that when at home, it will help. The key is to keep skin cool, if you're in the UK, Boots do thrie on basic range cucumber eye gel. I found that helped, when used in moderation. I also avoided make-up. Hope this helps, Elaine

Posted Sat 4 Apr 2015 08.30 by ELangford
Mild psoriasis from birth, escalated in 20s, tho helped by keeping skin cool and wearing cotton vests. Diagnosed with Psa in 2012

sorry - should read 'their own range' ....

Posted Tue 16 Jun 2015 01.09 by Peter S
I have psoriasis on about 1/3 of my body...have had it for over 10 years and its getting worse.

A product called Epaderm works wonders. It comes in 500g containers that last for months. Much better than all the usual oils and stuff, and one only needs apply it very thinly. It naturally holds in moisture.

Posted Fri 18 Dec 2015 11.59 by katemb
15-20 years - scalp, ear, eyelid, around the lips

Hi Kaiteyb I hope your eyelid psorasis has cleared up. I have a little dot of psorasis that is always on my eyelid - it is barely notifiable and doesn't usually flair up so I just live with it and minimise the use of eye makeup. One time it did spread over my entire eyelid for over a week - it was horrible. I used a combination of vaseline for the first few days with the smallest amount of 1% topical steriod - which I knew I wasn't meant to use on my face but I needed some relief from the itch. It started clearing up towards the end of the week and then I started using skin coloured/tan zinc once the skin stopped flaking. It was terrible and I was at work the whole time and really self conscious about how it looked. I thought I'd covered it up really well - until months later my boss mentioned something - he had noticed and just didn't point it out! Thankfully I haven't had another occurrence on my eyes (touch wood). But this year I have had two flare ups around my lips. And it has definitely been triggered by work stress - once I was on holidays it cleared up straight away. I now have vaseline tins in my handbag, desk draw, bedside table - it is a lifesaver for bad bouts when you can't use heavy steriod topical treatments.

Posted Sun 20 Dec 2015 08.46 by hopecnvn
Can cure psoriasis.

try to get your body temperature down. this is foremost important for any psoriatic patient. use aloe vera pure extract and apply on your body for immediate flake clear up. stay cool and calm do not get emotional. do some meditation. take some greeen leafy veggy stuf for a week. strictly avoid egg dairy meat and sea products

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