In the news we are regularly hearing of a lack of vitamin D some of our treatments are vitamin d related is there a possible link between it and is it worth checking our vitamin level
Posted Tue 22 Dec 2020 02.58 by mike andrews
How does one check vitamin level?
Posted Tue 22 Dec 2020 06.35 by Busyphil
I believe its a blood test
Posted Sat 2 Jan 2021 22.19 by Sizzy Psoriasis 40 years, most treatments tried over this time, currently on biologics (stelara) as nothing else work.
Vitamin D levels can be checked via bloods but i found out I had very low levels last year but the Dr was not interested! He said the majority of the UK have insufficient levels which is now the norm apparently! I started to take my own D3 supplement on a regular basis.
Posted Sun 3 Jan 2021 15.18 by Busyphil
Has it improved you any though
Posted Sun 3 Jan 2021 18.31 by Sizzy Psoriasis 40 years, most treatments tried over this time, currently on biologics (stelara) as nothing else work.
Not that I have noticed but I still take it every day. I was on humira about 15 months ago but started to get tingling and vibrating in my feet and sometimes legs, had to have loads of inconclusive tests and was taken off humira as a precaution (the tingling/vibration continue to this day, perhaps nerve damage). Started D3 then and completely changed my diet, but it wasn't enough to stop the inevitable flare.
Psoriasis flared within 4 months and i was due to start a new treatment in March but I delayed it until September due to covid. By September I was severe so had to start something! Stelara cleared my skin by 98% within 8 weeks and continues to work well but I keep getting skin infections (I was in a special skin cleanser every day!).
Sorry, veered off a bit there! It didn't work for me but different things work for different people. I have eaten blueberries every day for a year and they werenot a miracle cure for me, although others claim it is. We are all different soir may be worth giving it a go x.
Good luck
Posted Thu 7 Jan 2021 19.52 by -A
my 12 yr old daughter has psoriasis over her body , i recently started taking vitamin d as doctor said levels low but my itch which i had for over 7 yrs has almost gone so i started my daughter on liquid form , i havent noticed a change in her as i cream her with steroid cream but just 7 days as its strong . she is a bit low with hers but can i ask would being over weight be a factor with flare ups .
Posted Thu 7 Jan 2021 20.31 by Sizzy Psoriasis 40 years, most treatments tried over this time, currently on biologics (stelara) as nothing else work.
So sorry to hear she has it so bad at such a young age. I really feel for her.
I attend Guys hospital in London. From what I understand, its very common for people with psoriasis to be overweight or obese. There is some connection but they are not sure what it is yet.
You may find reducing refined sugar, cutting our tomatos and other nightshade veg may help her skin or some believe in blueberries. I tried all the above but it did not help me particularily (except to lose weight combining it with gluten free) but we are all so different and have different triggers/things that help. Saying that, those foods do make me itch a lot more.
Psoriasis can also (usually to some degree) cause depression and anxiety which both can cause further immune responses, because it is an inflammatory disease. Stress really does not help. Being too hot or too cold cause skin reactions, so warm baths or showers are best. Can I ask what they have prescribed her. Is it enstalar? I found it worked really good 1st couple of times, then I would flare. X
Posted Thu 7 Jan 2021 23.05 by -A
she has asthma since she was 3 and bad reaction to that thats when she was on steroids and then her skin started to react , like most 12 year olds hard to get her to eat healthy but im trying as hitting an age where kids can be cruel
Posted Sat 9 Jan 2021 14.50 by Mark
I found out that I was vitamin D deficient after a routine blood test. I started taking a vitamin D ( 1000 IU) supplement and noticed some improvement in my psoriasis after three weeks.
Six months later i was able to stop using steroid creams.
I think it's worth checking vitamin D levels anyway, as vitamin D deficiency is common and can. cause other health problems as well. It's cheap and easy to get rid of: I spend about £8 per year on a supplement (as a spray) to keep a healthy vitamin D level.
Posted Thu 14 Jan 2021 12.32 by I have had psoriasis for over forty years and have never had a time that i have not had it .
I have had psoriasis for 50 years i have had nearly every treatment available i had a blood test and have been told i have low vitamin D is this common in people with psoriasis.
Posted Sun 17 Jan 2021 14.59 by barbara
Hi, this is my first post. I was checked for vitamin D and was very deficient so started using D3 spray. I was prescribed Dovonex by doc for psoriasis round ears and on chest but noticed that in the information leaflet it said that you must avoid vitamin D, even avoid taking multi-vitamins as there may be some in those. I know Dovonex is a vitamin D product and an excess can be dangerous but if you're very short of it I wonder if it's safe to continue taking it while using dovonex. Just a thought. Barbara.
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