Psoriasis in chilled warehouse

Posted Wed 30 Dec 2020 14.57 by Winston316

Hi , just wanting any feedback from anyone with knowledge of working in chilled environment with severe psoriasis. I used to work in normal warehouse and have been moved into chiller area 4 months ago since then my psoriasis has started to become worse and the dry fans cause such bad itch after a couple of hours in there. I spoke with dermatologist who asked to mention to my manager which I did, he replied I needed a doctor note so the dermatologist wrote one . I gave him it yesterday and he said the wording is wrong (as I had told dermatologist temp in chill was -4 but it is 4 degrees) so he can’t do anything. Surely as he knows the condition is legitimate there must be something he should do ? Any help advice would be greatly appreciated

Posted Sat 2 Jan 2021 22.15 by Sizzy
Psoriasis 40 years, most treatments tried over this time, currently on biologics (stelara) as nothing else work.

That is so unfair! I found that Cold and overheating both affected my psoriasis adversely. The proof is in the reaction from your skin. Your boss obviously has no idea in regards to this chronic disease! So sorry I can't help or advise other than to go back to your specialist and speak to your HR department if you have one. Good luck

Posted Sun 7 Feb 2021 11.08 by LenRa
First plaque in 2018

When I was in a very dry climate, I would moisturize and then plastic-wrap my worst patches to lock in moisture. It really helped. You might try applying a greasier moisturizer that locks in moisture, reminiscent of the Eskimos and their seal-fat trick, to protect your skin from any new patches in the cold, dry climate.

Posted Mon 8 Feb 2021 09.47 by june

Hi I would contact my specialist again, explain the situation about your making a mistake, and can he help by giving you another letter Personally I think you r boss is being is being awkward and insensitive,Don't give up and good luck

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