Palmoplanter Pustulosis

Posted Sun 24 Jan 2021 10.07 by Misty (edited Sun 24 Jan 2021 10.17 by Misty)

It has taken my GP two years to refer me to a dermatologist, and I’m still waiting for an appointment. I’ve tried all sorts of creams and find Zerobase the most soothing. The only thing that clears up my hands are steroid tablets which my GP says I can not take for ever. So she will not prescribe any more. I find I get some relief if I burst/squeeze out the muck. Is this good practice or should I leave for it to dry out. If I don’t clear the muck from my hands the blisters join up and therefore get bigger and bigger. I’ve cut down the smoking but have had no improvement. I’ve read that quitting smoking doesn’t make any difference so what’s the point? I’ve also now got nasty dry skin rashes on both legs, a band from shin to calf that I keep moisturising but that’s not clearing up. Thank goodness we can’t travel anywhere warm because I would look a real state wearing shorts. ( sorry but if I didn’t laugh about this I’d be in a very bad way. I know it’s NOT a laughing matter) I’m also a diabetic, Any help/advice would be appreciated.

Posted Sun 24 Jan 2021 11.29 by SharonG

Hi Please read the blueberry thread. They might help? Since eating them everyday my feet have improved - worth a try? Also I have the pustules on my feet - personally I find popping them makes them more painful - just leave them to go brown and dry up - they will drop off eventually and in the meantime protect the skin underneath? I just use any moisturiser that soaks in - every time I sit down I cream up! Also zeroderm helps me but it sits on the top - I use this before bed and then put socks on. Good Luck.

Posted Sun 24 Jan 2021 11.44 by Greytop

I can only agree with SharonG 100%. My psoriasis is nowhere as bad as you describe, in fact it is quite mild in comparison. I have been eating loads of bluberries for a few years now and it certainly keeps it at bay. I know it works for me, because if I stop eating them then within a week my psoriasis flares up, but then again nowhere near as bad as yours. I am sure that it doesn't work for everybody, but it is well worth giving it a try. By the way I think I am addicted to blueberries now, I love them so much, in porridge, yoghurts and on their own. Good luck.

Posted Sun 24 Jan 2021 12.39 by Misty

Thank you Greytop and SharonG I have started having blueberries, but so far no let up in my hands. My feet aren’t too bad just dry no pustules. Popping the pustules on my hands releases the pressure. As you say creaming up when I sit down, what moisturiser can you suggest as you say Zerobase tends to sit on top of the thick hard skin on my hands.

Posted Sun 24 Jan 2021 17.48 by SharonG

I use Avon handcream - the Almond one with glycerine - that soaks in - just keep applying - anything is better than nothing - maybe at night cover them in vaseline and put cotton gloves or even socks on to keep them moist - try not to let them dry out - easier said than done I know. Sometimes I just use Almond Oil you can get this in Holland & Barratt or similar places. Really feeling it for you - Oh and try to drink plenty of water so you don't dehydrate. That is what I do :)

Posted Fri 29 Jan 2021 03.13 by Alibags

I did quit smoking for 3 years and it made a massive difference. It practically disappeared and even the dermatologist was surprised but still said I told you so. As soon as I started again back it came and I'm endeavouring to quit again. Lesson learned. It was the nicotine saying why bother!

Posted Mon 1 Feb 2021 17.50 by Tina

Hi everyone I just joined as felt I would like to see how people manage hand and foot psoriasis as no cure is so daunting 😢 Have had this for about 6 months and although I guessed what it was it's hard getting confirmation. Progressively worsening and have been working my way through a list of recommendations sent from dermatologist to GP. Of course covid doesn't help. Different GP on the phone every time. Question Shouldn't hand and foot psoriasis be treated as seperate condition? My newest drug appears to be for the scalp! Have read about cannabis oil!? Any thoughts? Also vitamin D cream? I don't want to be disabled by this 😭 Best wishes to all of you C

Posted Mon 1 Feb 2021 20.48 by SharonG

@Tina If they are the same - which they can be - then they can be treated the same - I have pustular psoriasis on my feet - very occasionally I get the odd pustule on my hands but it has never been a problem there - feet were so much worse - please read the blueberry thread if you have time - eating them has helped a lot of people - they have helped me. Mine is pretty good at the moment but all I am doing is moisturising and eating blueberries - I have tried 'CBD Repair restore and soothe' 250mg cream too - it is expensive though at £22.99 . But any cream that soaks in is good - or so I am finding. Please keep creaming - Good Luck.

Posted Mon 1 Feb 2021 21.40 by Alibags

@Tina I have tried loads of creams but the best was Paraffin and Salicylic Acid that I got on prescription from dermatologist. Soaking in QV oil in tepid water helps. My go-to for hot itchy feet is ice socks and 2 Anadin! UVB lamp has helped. I think its trial and error for everyone. My only caution is I tried CBD oil but I have heart rhythm problems and it reduced my heart rate and I ended up in hospital. If you don't have this it doesnt apply but maybe check with gp.

Posted Tue 2 Feb 2021 08.59 by Tina

@sharong and @Alibags Thanks for taking the time to reply and for advice. I will be eating blueberries daily in the future ☺️ would be wonderful to have such a healthy cure. Fingers crossed. What is QV oil? I am interested in using diet to help although I suspect mine has been triggered by stress and toxin build up or maybe medication? I hadn't appreciated the need to moisturise so much. Thank you all and best wishes

Posted Tue 2 Feb 2021 11.17 by Alibags

@Lisa QV bath oil is available on Amazon. It's cheap but dont let that put you off....

Posted Tue 2 Feb 2021 16.07 by SharonG

@Tina Blueberries are so worth trying - and yes lots of creaming - just do it whenever you sit down Lol I do :) All the very best - please come back and let us know how you are doing :)

Posted Tue 2 Feb 2021 17.00 by Tina

@SharonG and @Alibags Thank you ☺️ It is so helpful to hear about how people use combinations of medications and diet and more. The Dovobet I received yesterday says "apply to affected areas of scalp" but I will use on the large plaques on my foot☺️ and during the day I will moisturise with epimax and eat blueberries 😋 I will maybe ask for paraffin and salicylic acid if no improvement after a month or so. Will also buy Vaseline and QV oil. Take care everyone and thank you again 🙏

Posted Mon 15 Feb 2021 19.17 by Tina

Hi All, Feel like making contact with you all again. Since my last post there has been alot of stress, most of which I absorb from those around me. And we have moved house during lockdown. So my hand and foot have been very sore. I am trying to slowly eat, drink and live with how it will affect my psoriasis at the forefront. So reducing sugar, inflammatory foods and generally eating an unprocessed skin and gut friendly diet. Using dovobet and diprosalic in rotation plus lots of moisturising. I talked to a lady in a health food shop today and she was a nutritionist and training to be a life coach. I was looking for L Glutamine (for gut) and she told me to make chicken bone broth 😄 I will try it. Best wishes to you all x

Posted Tue 16 Feb 2021 01.51 by Alibags

@Tina It was good to hear that youre trying to find out what works for you. Stress is a bummer for it no doubt. My UVB lamp is making some progress and Ive given up on Synlar steroid cream which reduced my feet to planks of wood which then painfully cracked... back to Dermovate and Paraffin & Sal Acid cream, which is on 2 week order at hospital!! Scraping the jar.... Good luck with your regime. If you find a miracle let me know. Kind regards

Posted Tue 16 Feb 2021 09.23 by SharonG

@Tina & Alibags Good to hear from you both - it is a long hard road we travel :( Luckily for me the Blueberries or 'something' is keeping mine at bay - also NO steroids at ALL! Just cream that soaks in - anything and I mean just anything - avon handcream with silicone is one of the best for me. I have about 10 Blueberries per day. Kindest regards - Good Luck

Posted Tue 16 Feb 2021 10.08 by Alibags

Right! You've convinced me Ive ordered a ton of blueberries.... everyone seems to recommend them. Fingers crossed!

Posted Tue 16 Feb 2021 10.45 by SharonG

@Alibags Worth a try? And they are delicious too Lol Did you read BB thread? Good Luck - please let us know but give it time ok? I saw an improvement after about 2-3 months but the weather got cooler too - so who knows? I am dreading summer :( Last summer I have an evil 'flare' up :( But I wasn'tt on the BB's then!? Fingers crossed. I live in hope lol

Posted Tue 16 Feb 2021 10.51 by Alibags

I've only one ambition this year and that's to stick my feet in the Mediterranean! .... fat chance

Posted Tue 16 Feb 2021 10.57 by SharonG

Ha Ha We live in 'Hope' :) Believe? We have to Believe? ;)

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