Hiring medical standard full body light units

Posted Thu 18 Feb 2021 12.29 by kirsten (edited Thu 18 Feb 2021 12.29 by kirsten)

Hi, I'm wanting to hire out a proper medical standard light unit to try before I buy one. I have severe full body psoriasis and have been offered a 3 month course of treatment going twice a week.my nearest hospital offering this is an hour away so I'm unable to commit to this. I have seen a company called MBS that hire them but they're based in bristol and only hire and deliver locally -4 hours away for me to collect and return ! I live in East sussex,does anyone know of any other companies that hire to my area?

Posted Thu 18 Feb 2021 12.57 by scarletsmummy

from experience the only ones i have been able to Hire are the normal sunbeds , medical strength units needs medical supervision and having been for such treatment at the hospital I can see why. I am in west sussex and the only ones available as i say are normal sunbeds and i did hire one for a while but it did nothing I had a course of Puva at the hospital some years ago where they give you medication to make you very sensitive to light and then give you a very short time under the PUVA light bed

Posted Thu 18 Feb 2021 14.00 by kirsten

Thanks for your msg....yes I've tried sun beds at my local salon and was going twice a week and had really good results ,clearing my skin up well.....but I worried about the cancer risks long term and stopped going. Not sure what to do ,as I say I can't commit to the hospital treatment being so far away ( brighton) and really want to hire something to try before I outlay £1500 .....I'll keep researching and ringing round ! Thankyou x

Posted Thu 18 Feb 2021 16.04 by Steview
A P sufferer for over 30 years, through good and bad times.

From my experience the hospital units are professional units and would cost far in excess of £1500. You may be able to purchase a canopy with a few tubes for far less but have to be very careful. If not used correctly these could do more harm than good. Good luck.

Posted Thu 18 Feb 2021 16.32 by kirsten

Thankyou for your msg.x

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