UVB Lightreatment

Posted Wed 13 May 2015 11.12 by richarddavies20
I have suffered with the disease for a number of years and have now finally plucked up the courage to seek help

Hi All now into my 4th week of UVB light Treatment i feel great more importantly my skin looks it too :) anyone whos having trouble ask to be referred to Dermatology

Posted Mon 21 Mar 2016 01.09 by leighdavis100
I have recently been diagnosed with psorisis

Hi Richard, I have a dermatologist appointment on 7 April to discuss the light treatment. I have recently been diagnosed with it and I'm covered head to foot. I am getting married in October so I am hoping and praying this light treatment works! I gather you recommend it then? How many treatments do you have and how often? Thanks so much :-)

Posted Wed 3 Aug 2016 22.27 by Stephen1959

Hi Richard and Leigh, I may be starting UV treatment soon. I would be grateful for any updates on this topic.

Posted Fri 5 Aug 2016 08.00 by scruffballem
I have had psoriasis for several years

Hi All,, I've had 10 weeks of UVB now and it has worked really well but as I'm sensitive to sun they've had to extent my treatment another 2 weeks to try to get rid of the stubborn patches of psoriasis. I would recommend it but it is tiring going in 3 times a week for so long. I'm hoping once it has gone it will stay that way but the doctor has warned me that it is likely to come back in a few weeks after treatment once the body realises there's nothing resisting it anymore. After that they recommend tablets. I'm unsure about these as I've heard the side effects can be quite nasty although they did reassure me that it depends on the person and that most people are fine on them and their psoriasis melts away after a few weeks. I hope that is the case!

Posted Fri 5 Aug 2016 10.46 by Stephen1959

Hi Scruffballem, Thanks for this insight. I've been advised to try UVB. It's quite a big commitment especially to try to fit in around working hours. Good luck with the rest of the treatment.

Posted Tue 16 Aug 2016 09.00 by LucieT

Hello, I'm not sure this is appropriate for this forum so apologies in advance.... I have an UVB full length lamp that I no longer require - it's old but fully functional and free to whoever would like to come and collect it from S. Oxfordshire/Berkshire area. Is anyone out there interested?

Posted Fri 19 Aug 2016 22.19 by Ladykiki

UVB worked wonders for me but once I finished the treatment I was back to square one with 6 weeks. I'm Derm won't allow me to have anymore but im not sure I want to try tablets yet. LucieT if it's still available then I'd be happy to take it off your hands x

Posted Sun 21 Aug 2016 14.25 by LucieT

Hi Ladykiki, it's yours, can I have your email address? I'll contact you directly. Lucie

Posted Sun 21 Aug 2016 17.44 by Ladykiki

Hi Lucie My email is Kelly.thornton87@hotmail.com

Posted Tue 30 Aug 2016 13.20 by Alex Bond

I would strongly recommend to all P sufferers to invest in a home UVB photo-therapy unit. You'd be surprised how cheap they start at - £130 for a small handheld one (up to £6k for a stand-in booth) If you have responded well to hospital UVB sessions, then it's guaranteed that even the small one will work, because it's exactly the same UVB narrowband light that they use in hospitals. You just have to be careful at the start with the timings to avoid burning, and then gradually increase the time (just like in hospital treatment) and you have to be consistent. THe advantages over hospital treatment are obvious, we all know the inconvenience of traveling to hospital 3 times a week for months, but also they will generally only give you one treatment session per year, which is not enough for most people to keep it clear. I had stubborn permanent P covering 60% of my torso/buttocks/upper legs for years, and now I am clear, just by purchasing a £130 lamp. This is not a cure of course, your P will doggedly try to return at any opportunity as it does, but my usage of Dovobet has now been reduced to 5-10% of what I did use, and between Dovobet and the UVB I can quickly clear up any P plaques that do show their ugly faces. Out of all the possible P treatments, the creams, the Uv and the, immune suppressing drugs, I think the UV is by far the best option. Good luck everyone!

Posted Wed 7 Sep 2016 08.35 by obi1138
Hey guys,long time sufferer,even longer drum and metal lover!hoping to meet,chat and find fellow afflicteds....let's stick together!

Hi all,I recently bought a handheld lamp from Amazon,was about £125 and I use it daily for 30 mins when I get up,usually catch up on email,read,news,tv etc while it's on,as I'm doing now! I have P in the usual areas,upper legs front and back,arms and middle to lower back so I cycle the parts of my body,today I'm doing knees,front and back of thighs,I am up to 6mins per part now after working the timings up slowly,I use cosalyic ointment to remove scale also if needed.I'm up to session 79 on each part of my body and started to see thinning and less red angryness after about 30 goes,my back has responded best so far......perseverance is the key and don't make the sessions too long as keeping position is hard sometimes as the light has to be around 5-10cm close,beyond that.......defo worth a try indeed!!

Posted Thu 8 Sep 2016 05.37 by Nzlgraham

I use the wand in much the same way as you say. It takes time of course because it only covers a small area at a time. But used in conjunction with Sorion cream I am getting good results. Guttate psoriasis is my main enemy along with plaque. I bought the lamp on eBay from an address in Poland. It is the same UVB narrow band lamp made by Philips. I live in New Zealand. All the best

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