I have been using a UVB canopy at home for 4 weeks now and have seen a great improvement to my Psoriasis !
The horrible dry, raised look has gone and now my skin is smooth but I still have a lot of scarring spots remaining.
Curious if others have seen these eventually fade after the full 8 weeks treatment with the UVB lamp or if there are any particular creams etc that help the skin to recover or eventually get rid of the scars...
Grateful to hear anyone’s experience ... I’m hoping the UVB lamp will eventually clear them up ?
Posted Mon 1 Mar 2021 13.49 by Northerner21
Hiya Liz, I was offered light therapy at one time on the NHS, narrow band uvb light is a very concentrated form of light and shouldnt be overused. Try using a normal sunbed instead for the scaring or just try and get some sunshine if we get any.
Id use ur uvb lights for scaling only if I were you and even then don't overdo it.
Get some good vitamin d in you and some multivitamins too.
Posted Mon 1 Mar 2021 16.30 by Liz
Thanks for the reply - good advice !
Posted Mon 7 Nov 2022 14.39 by Sarbie
Hi Liz,
I have just started using a phototherapy UVB canopy at home and was wondering how you got on with the
scarring now as it has been over a year for you.
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